2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


INSTRUCTIONS This is a two-part assignment; First, follow the instructions below

June 25, 2024

This is a two-part assignment;
First, follow the instructions below.
Second give a DETAILED description on what you learned from using the software Microsoft Project AND how it can help you manage Information Technology. 
Your narrative is not just about what you did for the assignment, but that is good to add as well. Give specifics on what you learned and why as well as specifics on how it can help manage information technology.
Install Microsoft Project
If you do not have MS Project go to the USC Azure site (link below) and download it, click where it says “Generate URL” and copy and paste the URL into a web browser (note it will not work on a MAC)  make sure you also click “View Key” and write the key down (or take a photo with your phone)  if you go to the site and do not see MS Project Professional then contact CEC IT Help Desk right away and have them assist you. 
Link to the Azure site to get software: https://azureforeducation.microsoft.com/devtools
Open Microsoft Project on your computer.
Use attached  “Install Project Server 2013” template (see attached files for this Assignment)
Open the template
Make the following changes to project plan (If you get a dialog box to accept or cancel changes – accept the change or conflict) 
Right Click on the Task Mode Column and choose “Insert Column”
Click the little “down” arrow on the new colum and choose “WBS”  (Work Breakdown Structure)
You may have to move the center bar between the task list and the graphical “Gantt” chart – just click,hold and drag to the right
After the “Resource Names” Column where it says “Add New Column” click the little “down” arrow and choose “% complete”
Update the following WBS number to reflect these new percentages:
Task Name
% Complete
Create users and group in the Active Dierectory Service
Configure SQL server network settings
Configure Analysis Services for building Project Server OLAP cubes
Create additional TempDB files
Prepare the farm servers
Install Project Server 2013
Update the number of duration days for the Following WBS tasks to reflect the below changes ( If a dialog box appears – Accept any conflicts that may arise) 
Task Name 
Configure SQL Server network settings
4 days
Prepare the farm servers
10 days
Install SharePoint 2013 on the farm servers
3 days
ICreate and configure the farm
5 days
Install Project Server 2013
2 days
Create a top-level Web site
3 days
Create a Project Web App database
10 days
Use the Predessor column to make the following date changes for the following tasks.
Configure SQL Server network settings
Date Change
Configure SQL Server network settings
Start at 3 days after 2.1 finishes
Install SharePoint 2013 on the farm servers
Start 2 days after 3.1 finishes
Install Project Server 2013
Start the same day as 3.5 finishes
Make the following Resource Name Changes
WBS Resource Name  Notes
All 2. Tasks Place your Name as the Resource Do not add to the header tasks (the bolded tasks) 
All 3. Task One of your TEAMS team members Do not add to the header tasks (the bolded tasks) 
All 4. Tasks A different TEAMS team members Do not add to the header tasks (the bolded tasks) 
All 5. Tasks A different TEAMS team members Do not add to the header tasks (the bolded tasks) 
All 6. Tasks A different TEAMS team members Do not add to the header tasks (the bolded tasks) 
All 7. Tasks
Your name for 7.1 then randomly choose for remaining tasks
Do not add to the header tasks (the bolded tasks)
Set 4.1 to have 3.5.  as a predecessor 
Add the following Tasks (Right click on the row numbers to the far left choose “Insert task”)
After 4.3.3 add task to Test Project server application – Duration will be 2 days starting 3 days after 4.3.3. ends 
After 5.1.2 add task to Create Project site template – Duration will be 1 day and start 1day after 5.1.1. starts
Add the following Milestones –  
Before task  3.  add task and then double click where it says  to open the Task dialog box.  (This will be the last task in the 2.x series)
Enter the name  Configuration SQL Complete Milestone
Go to the “Advanced” tab and click the “Mark as Milestone” Box
Duration is 0 days and starts and ends the same day task before it (2.2.3) ends
Before  task 4. add the completion Milestone for the Task 3.x series   Install Sharepoint Server 2013 Complete Milestone
Duration is 0days and starts and ends the same day as the task before it. 
Add final Milestone task for the 4.x series using the same flow as previous milestones. 
After task 6.7  Add task – Lessons Learned and then go to the “Schedule” section on the ribbon and “out dent” the task so it becomes task 7 
Add the following tasks to the 7.x series (you will have to indent the first one (7.1) the rest will follow.  Make 7.1 start a day after 6.7 and make it the predessor for 7.2,  then make 7.2 the predessor for 7.3 and 7.3 the predessor for 7.4. 
Gather project team feedback
Gather customer feedback
Construct report
Lesson learned Complete – (This should be a Milestone) 
What to turn in (2 files) – Six items – The first five can be submitted in one Word document.
1- Provide Screenshot of Entire Task list (it’s ok if it takes more than one screenshot)  move the center bar right to view to the % complete column for the screenshots.
Go to the “Reports” Section on the ribbon – Choose “Dashboards”
Provide screenshot of  the following reports
2- Project Overview
3- Upcoming tasks
Choose “Resources Section of Reports 
4- Provide a screen shot of the Resource Overview
5- Two Paragraphs:
First Paragraph – What did you learn about Microsoft Project by using it and how can help you manage Information Technology.? 
Be specific on what YOU learned about the Microsoft Project software program? Do not provide general statements here either, such as ” I learned how to schedule tasks” without specifics on:
What did you learn about scheduling,
How is this new to you,
What does it mean to you in IT?  
Do this for each item you have learned about MS Project! 
Second Paragraph  ” How is Project Management (not the software) important to a company as well as their IT section? 
(Note, use information from the Project Management Lecture Video and Chapter 11 of the Textbook to help you)
6 – Submit the finished .mpp file  (MS project file) 

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What kind of writer will work on my paper?

Our support team will assign your paper to a team of 2 writers with a background in your degree – For example, if you have a nursing paper we will select a team with a nursing background. The main writer will handle the research and writing part while the second writer will proof the paper for grammar, formatting & referencing mistakes if any.

Our team is comprised of native English speakers working exclusively from the United States. 

Will the paper be original?

Yes! It will be just as if you wrote the paper yourself! Completely original, written from your scratch following your specific instructions.

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Is it legit? Can I trust you?

Completely legit, backed by an iron-clad money back guarantee. We’ve been doing this since 2007 – helping students like you get through college.

Will you deliver it on time?

Absolutely! We understand you have a really tight deadline and you need this delivered a few hours before your deadline so you can look at it before turning it in.

Can you get me a good grade? It’s my final project and I need a good grade.

Yes! We only pick projects where we are sure we’ll deliver good grades.

What do you need to get started on my paper?

* The full assignment instructions as they appear on your school account.

* If a Grading Rubric is present, make sure to attach it.

* Include any special announcements or emails you might have gotten from your Professor pertaining to this assignment.

* Any templates or additional files required to complete the assignment.

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You can do so through our custom order page here or you can talk to our live chat team and they’ll guide you on how to do this.

How will I receive my paper?

We will send it to your email. Please make sure to provide us with your best email – we’ll be using this to communicate to you throughout the whole process.

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