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Instructions Research the prominent media effects theory listed. Make sure you r

May 16, 2024

Research the prominent media effects theory listed.
Make sure you review the Writing Assignment Organizer to assist you in completing your work.
Think about how the media has used one of these effects to influence public opinion and/or thought.
Find AND link to articles, videos, podcasts, etc. to help illustrate your point and develop the summary part of your reaction paper.
Complete your assignment using the parameters listed in the assignment section above.
Evaluation is assessing the worth of an element. This process of assessing the value of something basically requires the comparing or an element to a standard. If you judge that the element meets your standard, then you conclude that the element is unacceptable. And if you judge the element exceeds your standard, then you conclude that the element is excellent (or some positive synonym) because it has not only met but also exceeded the standard.
This is what happens when we process media messages. We assign each message a value and by evaluating what significance it has for us. If the message agrees with us then we accept it (continuing watching the program, reading the article, etc.), if it doesn’t then we reject it (turn it off, stop reading, etc.), if we find it interesting and want to learn more we might even pursue or research it (find more articles, watch more shows like it, etc.). Whatever we do, it serves our personal purpose, so the media has be very careful and purposeful with what they produce
In this assignment we will examine some of the prominent and prevalent communication theories dealing with media effects. These theories outline and describe how what we see and read in the media affect human behaviors perceptions, ideas, thoughts, interactions, and practices. In short, these scientifically proven, and thoroughly researched theories show us how we process and react to information.
You will select and research ONE of the theories listed below to focus on for your assignment. You should use a variety of resources (scholarly papers, videos, podcasts, etc.) to gather information about the theory you choose.
You must cite at least 3 resources and provide examples from your own experiences. Feel free to pick a cause or issue that you are passionate about and discuss how the media has influenced public opinion and thought.
For example, the Tedtalk, Enough With the Fear of Fat is aimed at dismantling society’s obsession with how much someone weighs. Many of Americans are obsessed with weight. Don’t you think? The presenter, Kelli Jean Drinkwater is a self-proclaimed “radical fat activist” who wants to change the perception of being fat. Her TedTalk is extremely informative and thought provoking. This would be a great example of the communication theories of agenda setting and cultivation theory because we live in a society where thin is in. It would be easy to provide examples like how celebrities are constantly being fat shamed (Kelly Clarkson, Lizzo) and how some celebrities are celebrated for their body shapes (Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez).
Here are brief definitions of prominent media effect theories:
Agenda Setting explains that the media are subjective in what they present as news and what they emphasize as being the most important news, thereby setting an agenda for what we concern ourselves with.
Spiral of Silence theory is the tendency of people not to speak up about policy issues in public when they believe their own point of view is not widely shared.
Authoritarian theory describes that all forms of communication are under the control of the governing elite or authorities or people of significant influence.
Cultivation theory proposes that people who watch television frequently are more likely to be influenced by the message from the world of television. The influence goes to such an extent that their world view and perceptions start reflecting what they repeatedly see and hear on television.
Uses and Gratifications proposes that people choose to consume certain kinds of media because they expect to obtain specific gratifications because of those selections.

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