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INSTRUCTIONS Please note that this is 1 of 2 global perspective assignments in t

June 15, 2024

Please note that this is 1 of 2 global perspective assignments in the global perspective category. It counts 20 percent of your grade. If you do not complete all three assignments in this category it is possible that you could fail this class.
https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Kam%C4%81l_ud-D%C4%ABn_Behz%C4%81d#/media/File:Timur_granting_audience_on_the_occasion_of_his_accession.jpg
Artist: Kamal al-din Behzad (b.1450 – d. 1535)
Title:Timur Granting an Audience on the Occasion of his Succession, ca 1467
Medium:Manuscript Illumination from the Zafarnama, or book of Victory, 
Location: The collection of the John Work Garrett Library of the Johns Hopkins University
Artist: Raphael (b.1483-d. 1520)
Title: School of Athens, 1509-1511
Medium: Fresco Painting
Location: Stanza della Segnatura, Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican.
Introduction: Historically, Islamic artists prioritize pattern, ornament, and surface decoration over realistic depictions of space and people. This visual characteristic is due to traditional Islamic art forms (mosaic, textiles, ceramics) which emphasize surface decoration. Additionally, the hierarchy of traditional Islamic arts values calligraphy and the artistic potential of the written word. It is common for Persian manuscript painters to use the written word as a decorative element. 
Objective: Students will be able to articulate why traditionally Western and Islamic paintings depict scenes differently. These depictions reflect societal values around the visual arts and the hierarchy of artistic media.
Procedure: Compare and Contrast the two works of art above. One is a Persian manuscript painting “Timur Granting an Audience on the Occasion of his Succession” by the artist Kamal al-din Behzad, a manuscript painter working during the late Timurid and early Safavid Persian periods. The other is an Italian Renaissance fresco painting “School of Athens” by Raphael. 
Note that Kamal al-din Behzad  and Raphael lived and worked contemporaneously but in different regions of the world. Kamal al-din Behzad worked in Herat in modern day Afghanistan for the Safavid and Tabriz Princes. He directed the royal manuscript workshop and the royal library, was both a teacher and artist,  and instrumental to the development of Tabrīz as a centre of art.  Raphael lived and worked in Florence and  Rome Italy during a period of great artistic patronage.  Raphael’s works were commissioned by powerful princes, rulers and by Pope Julius II. Like many popes of this time, Julius II was both the head of the church and a secular ruler. The fresco painting “School of Athens” was painted on the walls of Julius II papal apartment. Raphael was an innovative and important artist who contributed to the development of the Renaissance style. 
Answer the following questions:
Compare and contrast the following visual aspects in each work of art. 
spatial recession.
depictions of the human form
use of intricate details and pattern
How does Each artist depict the interior or exterior scene and what concepts and art techniques does each use?
What are priorities in artistic depictions of the two artists? Describe what you see. 
What are the reasons for these differences? Describe the artistic traditions that influence the Persian manuscript painter Kamal al-din Behzad and the Italian Renaissance painter Raphael.
The met museum Timeline of art history: 
Metropolitan Museum of Art. Heilbrun Timeline of Art History. New York, 2017. Website. Click Here
Metropolitan Museum of Art. Heilbrun Timeline of Art History: The Art of the Timurid period. Click here.
The Khan Academy: Islamic Arts of the Medieval Period. Click  here
Kahn Academy Video on Ilkhanid Mihrab. Click here
Kahn Academy Raphaels School of Athens. Click here. 
Islamic Arts and Architecture Website.Click here
Aga Khan Trust for Culture and the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology. Archnet. Cambridge, 2014. Electronic Database.  Click here 
Museum with No Frontiers. 2017. Electronic Database.  Click Here.
The list of websites above if the links do  not work
Rubics for each art
Feldman’s Art Criticism Worksheet
* Bulleted list of what you see (include elements
and principles)
* Detailed description of what method was used to
create the art (each piece has the method listed, look up the method on the
computer and describe the process.)
* Describe (in compete sentences) how the
elements and principles work together to create the art.
* Be sure that each sentence describes how one of
the elements of design makes one of the principles of design happen.
* Each sentence should have an element and
principle in them.
* You must have at least two elements and two
principles described.
* Include any information on elements and
principles found in your research.
* In complete sentences (short paragraph) tell
what you think is the purpose of the art work.
* Does it tell a story, teach a moral, speak out
against something, etc.
* Use the title as your clue and include any information
you can find through research either on the artwork or on the style the artist
traditionally works.
*Do you like this piece of art?
*Describe why or why not in a short paragraph.
*Use your knowledge of art and not just emotion
to explain your answer. I should see elements and principles listed to describe
your reasons.
* What did you learn about in this work that you
have already used in an artwork or can use in the future?
* Include the process and use of elements and

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