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 Instructions Community Reintegration Persons with central cord syndrome (CCS)

August 10, 2024


Community Reintegration

Persons with central cord syndrome (CCS) face challenges beyond just adjusting to the physical limitations caused by their injury. These physical limitations turn into functional limitations that eventually create restrictions with daily tasks and participation with activities in society. 

This exercise is to help the clinician identify factors necessary for the reintegration of someone with (CCS) to society.

We will be looking at the case of Bradley who had an accident leading to central cord syndrome 3 years ago.

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Community Reintegration

Persons with central cord syndrome (CCS) face challenges beyond just adjusting to the physical limitations caused by their injury. These physical limitations turn into functional limitations that eventually create restrictions with daily tasks and participation with activities in society. 

This exercise is to help the clinician identify factors necessary for the reintegration of someone with (CCS) to society.

We will be looking at the case of Bradley who had an accident leading to central cord syndrome 3 years ago.


The ICF Model

The World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) is a conceptual framework that reflects the interaction between body functions, body structures, and activities and participation of an individual within a social and environmental context. Our goal as therapists for Bradley is to optimally apply interventions from the acute phase into community integration.

The goal of community integration is minimizing obstacles, disruptions and at the same time identifying access to community-based resources. This is a multidisciplinary approach with many stakeholders involved in the process. 

Question No. 1 (20 points)

Provide 5 issues and specific concerns under that issue that you should address in the community reintegration of Bradley:


Community Integration Concern 1:Housing and household situation: 

Specific concerns: Is desirable housing accessible? In order to be independent with ADL, are assistive devices available? Can the individual maintain housing without outside assistance?

Question No. 2 (20 points)

Facilitating Factors: Provide 5 things that may help/aid/facilitate this individual’s return to community integration. How do these individual factors facilitate Bradley’s return?


Facilitating Factor 1: Return to a familiar community

Seamless integration is aided when the individual returns to a neighborhood they are familiar with.

Question No. 3 (20 points)

Hindrance Factors: Provide 5 things that may hinder this individual’s return community integration. How does each individual factors hinder return?


Hindering Factor 1: Lower Income

The ability to purchase accessibility tools and equipment including personal transportation is made challenging by lower income.

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Community Reintegration

Persons with central cord syndrome (CCS) face challenges beyond just adjusting to the physical limitations caused by their injury. These physical limitations turn into functional limitations that eventually create restrictions with daily tasks and participation with activities in society. 

This exercise is to help the clinician identify factors necessary for the reintegration of someone with (CCS) to society.

We will be looking at the case of Bradley who had an accident leading to central cord syndrome 3 years ago.


The ICF Model

The World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) is a conceptual framework that reflects the interaction between body functions, body structures, and activities and participation of an individual within a social and environmental context. Our goal as therapists for Bradley is to optimally apply interventions from the acute phase into community integration.

The goal of community integration is minimizing obstacles, disruptions and at the same time identifying access to community-based resources. This is a multidisciplinary approach with many stakeholders involved in the process. 

Question No. 1 (20 points)

Provide 5 issues and specific concerns under that issue that you should address in the community reintegration of Bradley:


Community Integration Concern 1:Housing and household situation: 

Specific concerns: Is desirable housing accessible? In order to be independent with ADL, are assistive devices available? Can the individual maintain housing without outside assistance?

Question No. 2 (20 points)

Facilitating Factors: Provide 5 things that may help/aid/facilitate this individual’s return to community integration. How do these individual factors facilitate Bradley’s return?


Facilitating Factor 1: Return to a familiar community

Seamless integration is aided when the individual returns to a neighborhood they are familiar with.

Question No. 3 (20 points)

Hindrance Factors: Provide 5 things that may hinder this individual’s return community integration. How does each individual factors hinder return?


Hindering Factor 1: Lower Income

The ability to purchase accessibility tools and equipment including personal transportation is made challenging by lower income.



Bradley’s assessment for community integration will be using the ICF Assessment Form.

The ICF Assessment Sheet identifies strengths and problems within the components of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health – specifically body functions and structures, activities and participation, environmental and personal factors.

Attempt to complete the ICF rehab sheet using the following information:

You speak to Bradley and notice that he is well groomed and well-spoken. He has a Masters in Interior Design and he is passionate about everything architectural and design even complimenting your office.

Bradley has spasticity that shows up without warning, making it difficult to predict how his legs and arms will react during an activity. This also happens infrequently at night. He has 50% sensation in the lower extremities but 75% diminished sensation in the lower extremities. He has moderate weakness in the LE and severe weakness in the upper extremities. On rare occasions, he has difficulty controlling urination. He has medication for hypertension and asthma. 

He has learned to be independent with the use of compensations when moving in bed, transferring from bed to chair, using the wheelchair independently. He also uses assistive devices to bath, dress, groom himself without needing others.

Bradley is concerned about his living situation. Social work has found a home that will be accessible and affordable and is not far from his potential place of employment. His future home is however too small to accommodate guests such as his family or his friends. This seems to cause him worry and concern.


He also has access to a gym allowing for some strength training particularly useful when managing the uneven urban terrain. The nearest public transportation accessible area however has been constantly occupied by loiterers and panhandlers.

Bradley has also expressed interest in joining a choir composed of individuals using assistive and mobility devices. This seems to be a motivating factor for Bradley.

Bradley’s potential work as an interior designer seems viable as the business that has expressed hiring him has all the facilities needed to fully integrate his situation. He will have good insurance coverage. It will also provide him with enough income for unforeseeable needs in the future.

As you complete the ICF form consider how his current and future situation affects his integration efforts and access to resources. Attempt to fill in all the other boxes as much as you can.

Question No. 4 (40 points)

Attached the completed ICF form to your assignment.

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