2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Instructions Community Asset Map Minimum Requirements for the Map Pick one socia

Community Asset Map
Minimum Requirements for the Map
Pick one social determinant of healthLinks to an external site.. As mentioned above, some SDOH have several underlying factors, for this assignment focus on just one,     for example, if you decide to do education focus on just one of the subcomponents such as early childhood education and development (there are many other SDOH    with several underlying factors, see Module 1 and the community asset resource      module for more details).
Identify a zip code or a 3-5 mile radius around your home and neighborhood           (use your smartphone map or Google maps) you would like to focus on. It does not need to be a perfect circle or an exact calculation, but it should not be an entire city or town. Ideally, it should be what you consider your immediate community/              neighborhood.
Upon analyzing your neighborhood, draw, illustrate and/or create a picture map        that identifies factors related to your social determinant of health that constrain and enable health outcomes (i.e., parks, healthcare facilities, liquor stores, grocery stores, library, schools, rates of violence and crime, neighborhood relations, social cohesion: do you know your neighbors?). You should identify at least 8-10 resources or factors that contribute to personal and community health (bad or good) that are linked to the SDOH you selected.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Format 
How you depict these factors is up to you. You could draw a large poster board, take photos or create a collageLinks to an external site., you could also use an online        map program (GIS if you are familiar). You could also draw it out and then record     yourself describing the map. You would need to upload both your video and your    paper. Be creative no right or wrong way of presenting these factors on a map. 
Narrative section
Minimum Requirements for the Narrative Section (Paper)
In your narrative section, explain the factors you identified on your map by                   answering the following:
What are the factors that contribute to personal and community health in    your zip code (neighborhood) and why did you select them?
How do these factors contribute to people’s health outcomes? Try and          draw from Donatelle and content from the course to support your narrative. You need at least 4 citations from within the textbook and modules AND 4    outside sources (from a book, peer-reviewed article, government website   (CDC, NIH, State/Local Health Department).
Who is most impacted by the factors you selected (i.e., youth, elderly,             Latinxs, African Americans, woman)?
What does the data say about who is most impacted in the               neighborhood you are analyzing? 
What would make it better? What suggestions would you have in lowering   any bad outcomes? Mention the factors that are contributing to bad health in your response.
What can you do personally within your household/community to highlight  these factors you have identified as promoting good health outcomes?
The paper should be between 750-2500 words and be
typed and double-spaced
1 inch margins use times roman font or similar.
Follow APA formattingLinks to an external site. (e.g., in-text citations)
Include a reference page 
Use at least 8 citations/sources, including at least 4 from the Donatelle textbook      and modules, and 4 that are from a library database (e.g., PubMed, EBSCO, etc.),    public health researcher and/or public health agency or foundation. 
To the extent possible, use complete sentences, good grammar, and correct spelling. 
You can use the “similarity score” that Canvas provides to identify problems and       correct them (especially if you submit the paper early). A similarity score above 25% would indicate a paper that you should take a second look at, to make sure that you cited your sources correctly and expressed your ideas in your own words                     sufficiently. Be aware that Turnitin also scans for AI generated papers, be careful of that temptation as that is also considered plagiarism. 
I have provided an excellent resource to help with APA formatting, see           Citation Champion below or in the Modules  section
Tips for an Exemplar Paper
To complete this assignment smoothly and effectively you would have done the following    beforehand:
Read chapter 1 and 2 and fully understood the dimensions of health and well-being  including the dimensions of psychological health (draw on these definitions as you  embark on this final project)
Read and watched all of the material in Module 2 regarding social determinants of  health (Unnatural Causes video and document and the Robert Wood Johnson          document on health and educational attainment) and reviewed the community      asset and resource module for additional info
Reviewed most of your discussion posts and some of your classmate’s posts on        various health outcomes and topics (e.g., nutrition, addiction, alcohol and tobacco  use, stress management, sleep, reproductive health, exercise, etc.)
stick to the directions of the paper and thoroughly review the Rubric 
https://www.sfdph.org/dph/hc/HCAgen/2019/May%207/CHNA_2019_Report_041819_Stage%204.pdf    (for this one just look at slides 13-34)

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