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Instructions for my research paper.   Instructions There are two components to t

June 21, 2024

Instructions for my research paper.  
There are two components to this research project:
A written research paper
A PowerPoint presentation to accompany the research paper 
Part 1: Research Paper 
Your research paper must discuss a total of 10 unique diseases encountered in veterinary medicine. A list is provided in the following paragraphs that outlines diseases you may select as research topics.
When selecting your 10 diseases, please take into account the following criteria.
Species classifications—Your paper must include two diseases for each of the following species:
Ruminant or swine
Exotics (can include avian, amphibian, reptile, or pocket pets)
Disease classifications—Choose the type and number of diseases as listed below:
Infectious/contagious (2)
Parasitic (2)
Immune-mediated (1)
Congenital/genetic (1)
Neoplastic (1)
Metabolic (1)
Toxic (1)
Degenerative or idiopathic (1)
For each disease that you research, please include the following information:
Causative agent/organism or mechanism
Main species affected
Select one species and discuss in detail the effects on that species.
Briefly mention other species that can be affected.
Clinical signs and symptoms as well as secondary signs or associated conditions
Diagnostic tests, including how the results of those tests confirm a diagnosis
Treatment and prognosis
Prevention and control programs
Vaccination—If there’s a vaccine available for the disease, explain the vaccine type used, its protocol, and how it works to create immunity. Discuss potential complications, failure of the immune response, and why that failure might occur.
Zoonotic potential—If the disease has zoonotic potential, describe the occupational safety measures that need to be taken while in contact with the diseased animal. Also, discuss educating owners on safety when they’re caring for a pet with a zoonotic disease.
Contagious spread—When discussing infectious diseases, explain how to prevent them from spreading to other animals in the hospital or herd.
Please select your ten diseases from the following list.
Choose two diseases.
Avian influenza
Borreliosis (Lyme disease)
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy
Caprine arthritis and encephalitis (CAE)
Caseous lymphadenitis
Infectious tracheobronchitis/canine infectious respiratory disease (kennel cough)
Dermatophytosis (ringworm)
Equine infectious anemia
Equine influenza
Equine viral arteritis
Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)
Feline leukemia virus (FeLV)
Newcastle disease
Paratuberculosis (Johne’s disease)
Q fever
Streptococcus equi (strangles)
Choose two diseases.
Babesia canis
Cnemidocoptes pilae
Ctenocephalides spp.
Dictyocaulus spp.
Dipylidium caninum
Dirofilaria immitis
Eimeria spp.
Fasciola hepatica
Oxyuris equi
Porocephalus crotali
Rhipicephalus sanguineus
Strongylus vulgaris
Taenia spp.
Toxoplasma gondii
Trichinella spiralis
Choose one disease.
Atopic dermatitis
Equine immune-mediated myofascial syndrome
Equine recurrent uveitis (moon blindness)
Flea allergy dermatitis
Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA)
Immune-mediated polyarthritis/rheumatoid arthritis
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS)
Myasthenia gravis
Choose one disease.
Brachycephalic airway syndrome
Cleft palate
Congenital heart defects
Hip dysplasia
Progressive retinal atrophy
Von Willebrand’s disease
Choose one disease.
Mammary gland tumors
Mast cell tumor
Sertoli cell tumor
Squamous cell carcinoma
Vaccine-related fibrosarcoma
Choose one disease.
Addison’s disease
Bovine ketosis
Cushing’s disease
Diabetes insipidus
Diabetes mellitus
Exertional rhabdomyolysis
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
Hypocalcemia (milk fever in cattle/eclampsia in small animals)
Choose one disease.
Acetaminophen toxicity
Anticoagulant rodenticide toxicity
Cyanide toxicity
Ethylene glycol toxicity
Fescue toxicosis
Lead toxicity
Organophosphate toxicity
Theobromine toxicity
Choose one disease.
Aseptic necrosis of the femoral head
Degenerative myelopathy
Dilated cardiomyopathy
Eosinophilic ulcer (rodent ulcer)
Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD)
Gastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV)
Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE)
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Idiopathic epilepsy
Intervertebral degenerative disc disease (IVDD)
Lenticular sclerosis
Navicular disease
Puppy strangles
Part 2: PowerPoint Presentation
Take note of the following project specifications.
Project Specifications
Research Paper
The research paper must be done with a word processing program such as Microsoft Word, using an easy-to-read, size 12 font.
The title page should contain the following information:
The title: VET224 Research Project
Your name and student number
The date you submit the project
Use correct spelling, grammar, and sentence and paragraph structure. This includes the use of proper medical terminology as well as introductory and closing paragraphs.
The research paper should include at least five references. The information must be supported by trusted veterinary medical publications and websites.
For assistance in writing a research paper and citing references, refer to your previous English Composition and Information Literacy study materials, the Penn Foster Library, and the Purdue OWL website. References must be listed in APA format.
PowerPoint Presentation
Refer to your Computer Applications study material for information on preparing a PowerPoint presentation.
Summarize the important points of your research paper as a PowerPoint presentation.
Use a title slide with the same information as your research paper title page.
Slide content should follow the same order as your research paper content. A slide with your references should also be included at the end.
Make sure the content is concise, easy to read, and easy to interpret. Don’t crowd information on a slide.
Your PowerPoint must include pictures, graphs, tables, or other visuals to help illustrate the conditions being discussed. On slides with images, be sure to have a citation indicating the image’s source.
This presentation should not be a copy of your research paper. Summarize the information.
Grading Criteria 

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What kind of writer will work on my paper?

Our support team will assign your paper to a team of 2 writers with a background in your degree – For example, if you have a nursing paper we will select a team with a nursing background. The main writer will handle the research and writing part while the second writer will proof the paper for grammar, formatting & referencing mistakes if any.

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Will the paper be original?

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Will you deliver it on time?

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Can you get me a good grade? It’s my final project and I need a good grade.

Yes! We only pick projects where we are sure we’ll deliver good grades.

What do you need to get started on my paper?

* The full assignment instructions as they appear on your school account.

* If a Grading Rubric is present, make sure to attach it.

* Include any special announcements or emails you might have gotten from your Professor pertaining to this assignment.

* Any templates or additional files required to complete the assignment.

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How will I receive my paper?

We will send it to your email. Please make sure to provide us with your best email – we’ll be using this to communicate to you throughout the whole process.

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