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Instrucciones para el borrador del ensayo 2 The essay can be written in english

Instrucciones para el borrador del ensayo 2
The essay can be written in english and i will translate it to spanish myself
For this draft, you will write a 3-5 page essay on one (1) play that we have looked at in this section of the class. Here you will discuss the representation of drug trafficking in the Mexican context. You must cite 2 texts in addition to the play you discuss. These texts can be literary criticism, historical/political context, or theory. I chose El infierno (2010) by Luis Estrada
Work cited 
Artículo de revista académica:
García, Juan. “La representación del narcotráfico en el cine mexicano
contemporáneo.” Estudios
Cinematográficos, vol. 40, no. 3, 2022, pp. 78-94.
Informe de organización no
gubernamental: Observatorio de Seguridad y Derechos Humanos. Informe Anual sobre Violencia y
Narcotráfico en México, 2023. OSDH, 2023, www.osdh.org.mx/informe-2023.
Capítulo de libro académico:
Ramírez, María. “Narcocorridos y cultura popular en México.” Estudios Culturales Latinoamericanos,
editado por Roberto López, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2018, pp. 145-167.
Entrada de enciclopedia en
línea: “Narcotráfico en México.” Enciclopedia Británica Online, Britannica, 2023, www.britannica.com/narcotrafico-mexico.
Informe de investigación de
think tank: Instituto Mexicano para la Competitividad. Impacto económico y social del
narcotráfico en México. IMCO, 2021,
If you woud like to use new sources that is completely fine with me also below i will include what the peer reviewed comments were. Please make sure my thesis is strong make make some sort of argument about drug trafficking. 
My orignal essay is in Spanish but i can translate it to ENGLISH for you or you can translate  it to rewrite it 
Hola Kahli! Hiciste un trabajo muy bueno en tu ensayo. Me gusta que tu mencionaste los artículos revisados por pares en tu introducción. Durante tu ensayo, creo que podría incluir más temas en la película con relación al narcotráfico. Por ejemplo, puedes hablar sobre la violencia, la corrupción, la pobreza, y más. puedes aumentar estas ideas para analizar más profundo. Además puedes conectar los artículos a temas del narcotráfico. Me gusto como tu incluiste un párrafo por cada artículo revisado por pares. Tu ensayo está organizado de una manera muy buena y concisa.
Hey Khali, As someone who is in the LTAM class, I’m not at a mastered level on Spanish to where I can critique grammatical errors, so I’m mostly focusing on takeaways and what the goal of what the essay is trying to accomplish. For a proper mla header you want a page counter in the top right, and then in the top left you want: name, professor name, date, and class name/number. Great first paragraph. Liked the thesis as well. The only thing is that it could be slightly longer and include more description of the movie and what the movie represents in terms of drug relations in Mexico. Whether it be tied to community, government policy, country GDP and economics, I think it is important to tie it to something that relates to the country of Mexico. Extending on the first point, I also think you could combine some of your paragraphs so it has a better flow to the essay. When you chop up the reading this by having the paragraphs on the shorter end, it feels like you cut yourself off and don’t give yourself the chance to expand on points/provide deeper analysis. I think something you have done extremely well is bring in quality outside sources to aid your argument. OSDH is credible and provides good information. As a final takeaway, I really like everything you said and agree with your analysis on the film. Everything you said flowed well (even to me) and made sense, was intelligent yet easy to understand, and made sense within the essay. The only thing I would say is just expand on some of your points to provide more context and body to your paragraphs. Good luck on the final paper!! -Nick Whitehead

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