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In this final paper assignment, you will conduct a thorough analysis and present

April 30, 2024

In this final paper assignment, you will conduct a thorough analysis and present a creative interpretation of any work of art created by one of the 10 influential global artists referenced below. The objective is to think critically about the language of the arts and its ability to reveal deeper insights into our cultural diversity as humans. You will have two writing choices: one where the use of AI is encouraged as a tool for speeding up research and as a writing aid, and another where the research, writing, and editing process is carried out entirely by human effort. It is completely up to you!
General Instructions
Choose a work of art: You are to select a work of art created by one of the 10 artists referenced at the end of this assignment page. You can choose any medium, genre, or style that interests you.
Analyze the work of art: You will examine the work of art in terms of its formal elements, such as color, shape, line, texture, composition, etc. You also need to consider the work of art in its historical, cultural, and social context, such as the artist’s background, the intended audience, the message or meaning, etc.
Interpret the work of art: present your own creative and original interpretation of the work of art in clear statements, based on your analysis and research and also explain what you believe the artist is trying to communicate to the reader or viewer.
Option 1: Embracing AI Assistance
If you choose this option, you are encouraged to leverage AI tools to streamline your research and writing process. Begin by selecting an artist and a specific work of art from the provided list of artists. Utilize AI for research purposes, seeking insights into the artist’s background, the historical context of the artwork, and critical analyses. Additionally, you may use AI to aid in drafting and editing your paper. The following are the most important requirements.
Transparency Expectations with AI:
AI Utilization Declaration: Clearly declare at the beginning of your paper whether you have chosen Option 1, embracing AI assistance, or Option 2, relying entirely on human efforts. This declaration sets the foundation for transparency.
AI Prompts for Research: If you opt for AI assistance in research, provide a detailed statement at the end of your paper outlining the specific prompts given to the AI. Clarify how the AI contributed to gathering information on the artist, historical context, and critical analyses. This transparency ensures that the intellectual contributions of both human and AI entities are discernible.
AI Prompts for Writing and Editing:Similarly, if AI is employed for writing and editing purposes, clearly articulate the prompts given to the AI. Specify the aspects of the writing process where AI was involved, whether it be drafting, language refinement, or structural suggestions. This transparency ensures a clear distinction between the student’s original ideas and those influenced by AI.
Human Dominance in Creativity:Regardless of AI assistance, emphasize that the core creative and interpretive elements of the paper must originate from the student’s intellectual engagement. AI should be viewed as a supplementary tool, aiding in efficiency but not substituting the student’s capacity for critical thought, analysis, and creativity.
Citation and Academic Integrity:Emphasize the importance of proper citation for both human and AI-generated content. If AI contributes ideas, ensure that these are appropriately cited as AI-generated. Uphold academic integrity by acknowledging the sources of information, ideas, and insights, whether human or AI-derived.
Option 2: Human-Made Endeavor  
For those who opt for a purely human-made process, all aspects of the research, writing, and editing must be completed without the assistance of AI tools. This option emphasizes the traditional, manual approach to exploring the language of the arts, relying solely on human creativity and analytical skills. 
General Requirements for Both Options:
Artistic Analysis: Provide a detailed analysis and creative interpretation of the chosen work of art, exploring the artist’s techniques, style, and overarching themes.
Social and Cultural Context: Relate your interpretation to a specific social and cultural context where this art emerges from. Consider how the chosen artwork reflects or comments on the unique cultural identity of this artist.
Language of the Arts: Explore how the language of the arts, be it visual, literary, or performative, allows for a deeper understanding of our reality. Discuss how the chosen work communicates messages and elicits emotions.
Minimum Word Count: The paper should be a minimum of 900 words.
References: Properly reference all third-party ideas, concepts, and information using an academic citation style of your choice (e.g., APA, MLA).
Transparency on AI Use: State if you choose to employ AI tools at any time OR NOT. Be transparent about the AI’s role in your academic work.
A list of 10 highly influential global artists from the last 20 years:
Kara Walker
Damien Hirst
Yayoi Kusama
Shirin Neshat
Anish Kapoor
Marina Abramović
Olafur Eliasson
Tracey Emin
Takashi Murakami

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