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In order to convince the audience that there is a problem that needs to be solve

May 4, 2024

In order to convince the audience that there is a problem that needs to be solved we must find the argument. In order to provide the audience with a solution to the problem we must find the appropriate kairos and be able to persuade the audience.  Keeping in mind what type of audience may be who we are addressing. The writer may take into consideration the particular, universal, self part of the audience.  Where particular is who specifically may be reading the paper, the universal can be who the reader believes may be a part of the audience but may not always be so, and self as the writer needs to be able to view his perspective from his own point of view. Persuasion is the path that the writer will take to walk the audience through to convince them of the point of view or stance the writer is taking. This will make the paper effective in being able to view the stand point of the stance of the essay.
Hello Class, For the first step of convincing the audience that there is a problem, using statistics, anecdotes, or real-life examples can be effective in showing the seriousness of the issue. In the second step of explaining what you want the audience to do, providing clear, actionable solutions and outlining the expected outcomes can help in engaging the audience. Acknowledging opposing viewpoints or steps to solving the problem shows a balanced perspective and your credibility. Justifying the action by providing evidence, research, or expert opinions can make the proposal more persuasive. Using a combination of logic, emotion, and credibility will make the content for each step effective (Lauer & Asher, 2007).      Reference Lauer, J., & Asher, S. (2007). Composition research: Empirical designs. Oxford University Press.
Hello Professor Kenny and classmates,Utilizing the feedback from my peers on my first draft. I plan to utilize the four steps to revise my paper into my final draft. The first step, is helping the audience understand the problem of food insecurity and rising grocery cost. To implement the second step, I wanted to the audience to see the benefits of freezing certain food prices that are needed apart of a healthy diet. In recognizing the opposing viewpoints such as freezing prices would be too much government overreach. I would justify the action of freezing prices to explain how lower grocery costs would allow every citizen to combat food insecurity.
Hello Professor Kenny and classmates, When composing a proposal, the four steps can be essential when writing your essay. First to convince the audience I will start by letting the audience know what the problem is. I can do this by giving a strong introduction with good backup resources used from the GCU library The second step is explaining to the audience what you want done about the problem or issue. I can do this by writing three strong body paragraphs with three different ways to fix this problem. The third step is acknowledging opposing viewpoints or steps to solving the problem. I can do this by conducting research on the opposing view and giving good backup evidence to support my viewpoint and show the audience my view is better. The fourth step is justifying the action you are asking your audience to take. I can do this by using strong evidence throughout my whole essay. 
For my proposal essay, I chose to discuss how to get out of debt. In step one, I would convince the audience that debt should be manageable for a person’s life. This covers the issue that needs to be solved. I personally do not think that would take much convincing, but I will back it up with statistics on debt in my area. In step two, I would lay out the various ways to get out of debt, as there is no one correct way to do so. I will acknowledge that while debt can have pros, it should not be so much that a person has no hope. I know that people with little credit, a fancy way of saying reported debt, have a more challenging time getting lenders to work with them, especially if they have little to no savings. I also know that a person should not rely on credit to make it month to month. They should look seriously at spending versus income if this is the case. I know this is a gray area as we are in a literal cost of living crisis in the United States and sometimes there is no other way to make ends meet. I know I went on rambling. I hope that my steps and, ultimately, my proposal essay is sound. 
Hello professor and classmates! The four steps that make up a proposal are extremely important to get the right point across to all readers . The first strategy I will use for convincing the reader of the problem, is getting a hook. If I am bale to get somebody interested on the problem by hooking them to the concept, it will ultimately be more convincing than any problem will. For the second part of any proposal, the strategy I will use actions that are easy, but effective for people to put in place. Next, I will bring up opposing viewpoints to the issue, and explain why the viewpoints disagree. I will then use a strategy to not only point out why they have opposing points, but how they are also similar. I will then use the strategy of cause and effect to show that when we can take certain actions, they have effects and those effects will help the problem addressed. Hope everyone has a great week! Kenadee

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