Please read carefully, each part is independent of each other and 1 APA 7th ed reference is needed for each part. Please include at least 1 in-text citation for each reference in each part.
Part 1
In 275 words develop an explanation of a threat to internal validity and a threat to external validity in quantitative research. Next, explain a strategy to mitigate each of these threats. Then, identify a potential ethical issue in quantitative research and explain how it might influence design decisions. Finally, explain what it means for a research topic to be amenable to scientific study using a quantitative approach.
Please include 1 in-text citation and 1 APA 7th ed reference it cannot be used again in any other part.
Part 2
Write a critique of the research study below where you:
• Evaluate the research questions and hypotheses.
The Research Questions and Hypotheses Checklist serves as a guide for your evaluation. Please do not respond to the checklist in a Yes/No format in your writing.
• Identify the type of qualitative research approach used and explain how the researchers implemented the design.
• Analyze alignment among the theoretical or conceptual framework, problem, purpose, research questions, and design.
Research study: An exploratory study of transgender inmate populations in Latin America.
Johnson, III, R.G., McCandless, S., & Renderos, H. (2020). An exploratory study of transgender inmate populations in Latin America. Public Integrity, 22(4), 330-343.
Please include 1 in-text citation and 1 APA 7th ed reference it cannot be used again in any other part. The research study and checklist has been uploaded for easy access.
Part 3
In 275 words develop an explanation of two criteria for evaluating the quality of qualitative research designs. Next, explain how these criteria are tied to epistemological and ontological assumptions underlying philosophical orientations and the standards of your discipline. Then, identify a potential ethical issue in qualitative research and explain how it might influence design decisions. Finally, explain what it means for a research topic to be amenable to scientific study using a qualitative approach. Please include 1 in-text citation and 1 APA 7th ed reference it cannot be used again in any other part.
Part 4
In 275 words develop a response to the question, “To what extent is mixed methods research simply taking a quantitative design and a qualitative design and putting them together?” Next, explain the types of research questions best served by mixed methods research. Then, explain one strength and one limitation of mixed methods research. Finally, provide a rationale for or against the utility of mixed methods research in your discipline. Please include 1 in-text citation and 1 APA 7th ed reference it cannot be used again in any other part.
Part 5
In 275 words develop a restatement of Position A: Probability sampling represents the best strategy for selecting research participants. Explain why this position is the best strategy for selecting research participants. Support your explanation with an example and support from the scholarly literature. Next, select a data collection method (e.g., surveys, interviews, observations) and briefly explain at least one strength and at least one limitation. Then, identify a potential ethical issue with this method and describe a strategy to address it. Last, explain the relationship between measurement reliability and measurement validity using an example from your discipline. Please include 1 in-text citation and 1 APA 7th ed reference it cannot be used again in any other part.
Part 6
In 275 words write an explanation of the criteria you could use to evaluate alignment between data collection methods and other research components, such as the problem, purpose, research questions, and design. Then, reflecting on the course content, discuss the extent to which your newly acquired research knowledge and skills can support your role as an agent of positive social change. Be specific and provide an example(s). Please include 1 in-text citation and 1 APA 7th ed reference it cannot be used again in any other part.