I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me learn.I couldn’t post the full question but here it is:Discuss the function of time and knowledge in crisis decision-making. What are the challenges of making good decisions during crisis events?
Select a recent crisis event and discuss how the concepts of accountability and blame were managed. What could have been done differently to improve accountability and lessen the blame?
reading resources:Lidskog, R. & Sjodin, D. (2015, November). Time, knowledge, and risk: Decision making in the aftermath of storm disasters (Links to an external site.). International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 33(3), 341–358.
Boin, A., Hart, P., McConnell, A., & Preston, T. (2010, September). Leadership style, crisis response, and blame management: The case of Hurricane Katrina (Links to an external site.). Public Administration, 88(3), 706–723.
Huder, R. C. (2013). Disaster Operations and Decision Making (Links to an external site.). Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Chapter 1: The emergency manager: Leading in a crisis. (Links to an external site.)(1–18)
Chapter 2: Crisis decision making. (Links to an external site.)(19–37)
at least 300 words in APA (7th ed.) style, and include citations and references.Requirements: 300 words
Requirements: 300 words