I’m working on a writing discussion question and need support to help me understand better.pls answer to the following DQ’s with 100-150 words each. Nicole:Biostatistics defined is the application of statistical principles to questions and problems in medicine, public health, or biology (Sullivan, n.d.) Biostatistics can characterize specific populations for example the proportion of the population with asthma, those who are obese, or heart disease in addition to helping to estimate the shear magnitude of the health issue in various regions of the country or even over periods of time (Sullivan, n.d.).
Through biostatistics, one analyzes the samples in order to make inferences about the population, the biostatistics discipline will provide tools and techniques for collecting data and then summarizing the data. It would not be feasible to take samples from every person living in a specific region, so small samples of a population are taken in an effort to estimate certain health statistics (Sullivan, n.d.).Epidemiology uses study from biology, sociology, statistics and other fields. Epidemiology defined is the branch of medicine which deals with the incidence, distribution, and possible control of diseases and other factors relating to health (Oxford Languages, 2021).
The purpose of applying epidemiology is help control health problems and the purpose of epidemiology is to help understand what risk factors are associated with certain diseases, how they can be prevented by certain individuals. What epidemiology can not do is provide answers on how a person contracted or developed a disease (Epidemiologic….., 2012). There are many reason why epidemiology studies are used. One reason is to measure the incidence of disease or death within certain population groups.
Epidemiology and biostatistics are significant to EBP proposal. These practices use mathmatical, scientific, and social methods to monitor disease trends and provide intervention to prevent future disease (Schwaid, 2017).ReferencesSullivan, L. (n.d.). Basic Concepts for Biostatics. Retrieved from: https://sphweb.bumc.bu.edu/otot/mph-modules/bs/bs704_biostaticsbasics/bs704_biostaticsbasics_print.htmlCommittee on the Analysis of Cancer Risk in Populationnear Nuclear Facilities-phase
1:Nuclear and Radiatin Studies Board; Division on Earth and Life Studies; National Research Council. (2012). National Academies Press. 12(4). Retrieved from:
https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK21995/?report+classisOxford Languages. (2021). Epidemiology. Oxford English Dictionary. Retrieved from:
https://languages.oup.com/research/oxford-english-dictionary/Schwaid, G. (2017). Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Board Review in Preventive Medicine and Public Health. 9(17), 79-185. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-813778-9.00003-7 Retrieved from:
Biostatistics is the “application of statistical concepts to biology and medicine” to draw conclusions from samples and to evaluate predictions about the populations involved in the samples (Minkoff, 2018). It involves “collecting and analyzing biologic or health data” (National Cancer Institute, n.d.). Biostatistics is important in the planning phase of population health research. By applying the concepts of biostatistics, a researcher can identify the relevance and feasibility of the project by identifying appropriate data collection measures and sample size (Zapf et al., 2020). The application of the concepts of biostatistics to population health research ensures that studies collect the right types of data and the right amount of data to prevent variables and biases. Population Health is “concerned with both the definition and measurement of health outcomes of a group” (Garmon Bibb, 2017). Epidemiology explores the factors that cause diseases among specific groups of individuals as it “collects, analyzes, and interprets data regarding the distribution and determinants of disease among populations” (McIntire et al., 2019). Through epidemiologic investigation, data about possible causes of diseases or infection can be identified so that future transmissions can be prevented. Epidemiology allows population health researchers to identify the types of disease affecting a population and thus “inform interventions that will reduce the impact of disease on populations” (McIntire et al., 2019).I focused on telemedicine as an intervention for Type 2 diabetes management. Biostatistics and epidemiology will enable me to find the necessary evidence from different research articles for my evidence-based practice proposal. I can use the concepts of biostatistics to analyze the data presented from different articles for validity and applicability to my topic. I can utilize concepts of epidemiology to present the distribution rate of the disease and determine the risk factors of the disease and identify how they relate to the population I chose in my EBP proposal. The biostatistical information collected through epidemiological investigations will enable me to explain the need for an intervention.
ReferencesGarmon Bibb, S.C. (2017). Population health. In J. Fitzpatrick (Ed.), Encyclopedia of nursing research (4th ed.). https://search-credoreference-com.lopes.idm.oclc.o…McIntire, R., McAna, J., & Oglesby, W.H. (2019). Epidemiology. In D. Nash, A. Skoufalos, R.J. Fabius, & W.H. Oglesby (Eds.), Population health: Creating a culture of wellness (pp. 23-45). Jones & Bartlett Learning.Minkoff, E. (2018). Biostatistics.
In Magill’s medical guide. https://eds-b-ebscohost-com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/eds…Laura:Biostatics is what really keeps the healthcare on the cutting edge. Without biostatistical data healthcare industry would remain stagnant. The data obtained by researchers is utilized to determine if trial drugs are effective, treatments produce improved outcomes, change to nursing practice standards improve patient satisfaction, etc. There are limitations to biostatistical data due to the fact that studies are often just a sampling of a particular population. But most studies have guidelines to improve the sampling pool in order to apply appropriate interventions with the data they obtain. There have been studies alone on how to improve sampling to achieve more sound research.
The best type of sampling for healthcare related research is probability sampling which allows for equal opportunity of selection in the target population and includes simple random, stratified random, systematic, and clustered random (Elfil & Negida, 2017).
With sound data, other agencies including hospitals and public health, can apply practice changes that may improve the health of one patient or a whole community.
References Elfil, M. & Negida, A. (2017). Sampling methods in clinical research; an educational review. Emergency (Tehran), 5(1), e52. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5325924/
Requirements: 100-150 words each | .doc file