I’m working on a physics writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
***Prompt/Topic***Write a paper discussing how basic scientific research has led to meaningful improvements in your life.
How did the research develop into a real-world application (or other results)?
Examples include (but are not limited to) the following: — the development of wifi protocols as part of the processing of images from radio telescopes — the application of special and general relativity in the development of GPS technology — the development of RNA modification as it relates to modern vaccines — the development of the integrated circuit as it relates to….etc.Instructions:
Write a research paper detailing your response to the prompt below. Your paper should be 2-3 single-spaced pages in length, with inline citations and a bibliography. The paper should be typed in 12-point font, and the bibliography does not count towards the page requirement. A minimum of 5 original sources must be cited. Sources to use: Any materials cited must be easily traceable; if you cannot find an author, title, and publication date at minimum for a source, you should not use it! Sources should either include original scientific research (i.e. a research journal article) or refer to original scientific research (i.e. a newspaper/magazine article or book/chapter describing a research project or journal article).
Citation requirements:Inline citations: As with any research paper, you should include an inline citation after any fact, idea, or quote you take from a source. For example: “The star TRAPPIST-1 was observed by the Spitzer Space Telescope, and was found to have seven transiting planets (Gillon et al. 2017).”There are many common formats for inline citations, and you may use any one you like, but you must use one style consistently.Where possible, you should mix and vary your citations, presenting multiple perspectives on a single idea.
For example: “Three of the TRAPPIST-1 exoplanets fall in the liquid-water habitable zone (Kopparapu et al. 2013), but the high ultraviolet radiation from the star may strip the planets’ atmospheres (Bourrier et al. 2017).”Bibliography: As with the inline citations, there are several options for formatting your bibliography (MLA, APA, etc.). You may use any standard format so long as it is used correctly and consistently.