I’m working on a management question and need guidance to help me learn.according the profssor comments to revision the article. Professor comments:I am confused by this proposal and do not know what you mean by Eco-friendly members of the Humane Society?
What: Fall Event Organized fot the Human Society.Who: Members of the Human Society (I have no idea of what the reference to Eco-friendly members means)When: You say in the Who statement that this is a fall event, but then you list July 10-12th. Is this a confernce or meeting?Where: Where in Washington DC is this held?
professor means:She said the event should be 1 day. And she said to look at paws for a cause and look at a past event they have done. She said to make the event in Rhode Island or paws with a cause is located in New Hampshire and maybe do it at a convention center there. If it’s a 1 day event is it a fundraiser event and if so maybe would their be guest speakers? These are questions I would love to talk to you about.
Requirements: 1 pages