I’m working on a literature report and need support to help me study.Hello,I need a paper on topic ” Zuo Tradition”The proposal and outline has been given, we need to follow it. And you can change the two external sources if you want. If they have no actural helpful source in it.I have attached the original instruction, our topic is on the green highlight called Zuo tradition. And please refer to the back for the details of this paper.
———————————————————————————————–We need 1500 words of the final paper, you may keep some words from the proposal.And we need to cite the internal source I attached, and also the two external academic ones. (You may change yourself, but it has to be academic ones.So as total of 3 sources, one from internal below.Thanks.
The book(the internal source):https://www.sendspace.com/file/y5y880
Requirements: Total of 1500+ words, might use around one page from the given proposal. | .doc file