I’m working on a data analytics test / quiz prep and need an explanation to help me learn.The examm will not be available until Friday, 28 May 2021, 9:00 AM,This examm will close on Saturday, 29 May 2021, 10:00 PM, ADT time.The midtem examm exaconsists of 36 questions focusing on the text readings, resources from Modules 1 through 2. The midtem consists of multiple choice (5), true-false (24), matching (1), and short-answer and essay questions (7). Calculators are required.
The examm is open-book, but students who are not comfortable with the course material are likely to run out of time. Students have 75 minutes to complete the examm from the time they open the testt. The examm will submit automatically when 75 minutes expire, whether or not all questions have been answered.
Requirements: 60 minutes