I’m working on a cultural studies writing question and need support to help me understand better.Your first reading response relates to Week 2’s Readings on Arab Geographies. Each essay, 12pt font, should clearly illustrate your understanding of the author’s main arguments and show a meaningful engagement with the readings.
Papers must be uploaded to Blackboard before our next class and will be processed for academic integrity at the time of submission.The key to a sound Response is to ground your discussion directly in the readings; avoid unsupported generalized statements/ideas and instead bring out key points you think the authors are making.
The more relevant details and specific examples you use to support your discussion, the stronger your response will be. Responses should be 3 pages max (1.5 spacing).What are the key arguments of each reading and why are they important?**PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR RESPONSE IN EITHER A WORD OR PDF DOCUMENT**There are two readings that need you to read. Please look at the reading first and make sure that you accept to read these 2 readings before you take the order
Requirements: 800 words