I’m working on a chemistry question and need guidance to help me understand better.
Please complete the attached document Laboratory ProcedureComplete the following measurements and calculations as directed below, and record your values in the Data Table of the Lab 3 Worksheet ( this should be downloaded from the Lab 3 Worksheet tab in the navigation bar in the upper left of this page):Convert the masses of each isotope (kidney and pinto beans, and black-eyed peas) to milligrams. Use dimensional analysis to perform the conversions. Record the masses in milligrams in the data table.
Count the number or quantity of each isotope. Record the number or quantity in the data table.
Find the average mass for a single particle of each isotope using the following formula as illustrated for kidneybeanium. Record the average mass of each isotope in the data table.
Determine the relative abundance of each isotope using the following formula as illustrated for kidneybeanium. Record the relative abundance of each isotope in the data table.
Determine the relative weight of each isotope using the following formula as illustrated for kidneybeanium. Record the relative weight of each isotope in the data table.
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