2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


I’m working on a business discussion question and need guidance to help me learn

May 29, 2021
Christopher R. Teeple

I’m working on a business discussion question and need guidance to help me learn.Review Jack Welch’s article “The Six Deadly Sins of Mergers and Acquisitions”
Locate and post a link to an article published in the last 5 years in the The Wall Street Journal, or another reputable source, about a merger that did not go as planned.
Which of these “sins” were committed, what issues arose as a result, and what behaviors could the organization have employed to prevent these errors?
& A DETAILED WHY: I think breakaway positioning
will help the company Fulton Bank gain a sustainable competitive advantage
(Sherman, 1). The brick-and-mortar banking industry has had the same product
offerings and could use some new attributes. If we look at some markets that
were traditionally thought to be mature such as airlines, companies like
Southwest and Spirit came along. They were successful by bringing different
offerings to the table. Offering greater customer service and reduced gotcha
fees would help Fulton win some goodwill with customers. Fulton could also
allow customers to perform more services through the internet instead of
in-person (Groenfeldt, 2).Fulton can win new banking customers by improving customer service
and increasing technology to allow for more internet offerings by offering
things that their competitors traditionally did not offer. Their
brick-and-mortar branches can also offer technology kiosks and remote teller
services to increase convenience.
Looking at the reading, citizenM hotels were able to nail a
customer segment served poorly by the two extremes; get an overpriced hotel in
the central business district, or get a cheap motel on the side of the highway
(Sherman, 1). Sherman has made me realize that many mature industries have room
to approach things differently and win over customers.
The move is best described by breakaway positioning. The idea is
to take attributes from different industries and bring them over to the
traditional banking category.
& A DETAILED WHY: The focus strategic
direction that will set your organization apart from competitors in a way that
enables you to stand out from everyone else. Jack refers to this as “changing
the game.” Using
the company, you selected for your course project, identify a potentially
game-changing move that you believe will create a sustainable competitive
Purafil Inc. should
innovate its air filter, that instead of plain silkscreen filter they should
innovate it which is related in killing or avoiding viruses of COVID 19 with
self-indicator of its effectiveness or time for its replacement.
· Briefly
summarize how the move will fundamentally shift the playing field to the
company’s advantage and beat the competition.
This will provide a
superior value to the customers need, especially this pandemic time where all
customers globally needed something that can kill or avoid COVID 19 viruses at
the same time having an indicator that will show its effectiveness and the time
that it needs to be replaced by a new one. At present, there is no company yet
introducing this kind of air filter and Purafill Inc. should be aggressive
enough to be the first to introduce it in the market. This can be
differentiated from other air filter manufacturers in terms of features, the
quality of its product (voice, data storage, camera, etc.) which are far better
than the competition.
· Explain
which of the three positioning categories described by Sherman (Breakaway,
Reverse Positioning, Blue Ocean, or Disruptive Innovation) best describes the
move, and why.
Blue Ocean is the best
to describe this strategy, simultaneous pursuit of differentiation and low cost
to open a new market space and create new demand. It is about creating and
capturing uncontested market space. If the company can innovate the said
product it will create a demand globally which will open a new market.
Requirements: Detailed

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