Important criterion: IN DEPTH KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING and EXPERIENCE in features of critical writing. The task needs to show how you read and interact with texts, renowned textual commentaries are to be avoided (use articles as sources for examples). sent sources= READ thoroughly ,Think, question the texts, identify the models and approaches used by the authors themselves, and express your point of view.
Task: Read the provided articles, carefully write down:
– The concepts or viewpoints that are relevant/apply to project (relevant concepts ideas such as for instance what could be related to: 4 skills : productive (speaking, writing), receptive (listening, reading): e.g.Listening (the way for instance expressed in ‘Fine-Tuning the Sonic Color-line: Radio and the Acousmatic Du Bois’, Jennifer Lynn Stoever.
– sentences that make the text relevant today, even if outside of own socio-cultural context.
– sentences that surprise, perplex, or inspire.
– select 3 of your short written synthesis and write a brief introduction justifying your choice.
Comprehension of the texts should be demonstrated, dialogue develop between important articles/texts, and how the readings also inspire to go back and reread, think about own writing.
A writer needs to send me the selected articles and reasoning before he starts writing and a draft before the deadline. Thank you
For this task you first need to read V. Wolf’s famous essay ‘how should one read a book’ found here
(always refer to it to know what to do but stay genuine).
The task needs to show how you read and interact with texts. Avoid renowned textual commentaries
then read the following articles thoroughly The Souls of Black Folk (1903)
The Syntax of Everyday Injustice: A Conversation with Arundhati Roy (THE FULL ARTICLE) (The FULL article)
Toni Morrison, Nobel Lecture –Once upon a time
Notes on ‘Camp” Susan Sontag, 1964
London review of books Time for Several Whiskies , Ian Jack
Utopias, Past and Present: Why Thomas More Remains Astonishingly Radical, Terry Eagleton
Need to understand CW features what is (relevant contextualised 2 notion of synthesizing, conceptualising 3- ‘sentencing or 4 dialoguing (as shown for example in essay 3 of the sent articles