Unit 9 provides you the opportunity to consider how you will program your behavior intervention plans (BIPs) for generalization and maintenance. In addition, you will discuss how you would handle a specific ethical dilemma.
Please respond to the following:
Identify at least three strategies/tactics that can be programmed into behavior intervention plans (BIPs) to promote generalization and maintenance of treatment effects.
Following the steps for programming generalization (below), select a target behavior from the list below and discuss how you would program it for generalization.
Requesting a toy using “please” and “thank you”
Greeting the therapist
Responding to questions from therapist
Attending to task for 3 minutes
Putting toys in toybox
Pulling in and backing out of the driveway
Assisting adult when loading the washing machine
Programming for generalization:
Identify all of the possible variations of the target behavior and all the environments in which the target behavior should occur after training has ended. (For this discussion, identify several variations, rather than all, of the target behavior and the possible environments in which the target behavior should occur.)
Discuss how you would employ one or more strategies/tactics that can be used to promote the generalization of the target behavior across novel (untrained) people, situations, and environments.
Discuss at least one strategy of how you would train other individuals in the environment on the behavior plan.
Guidelines for gaining informed consent prior to assessment and treatment spans all fields of psychology. Behavior analysis is no exception. The ethical guidelines require that you explain the process of assessment and treatment in language the client can understand. You must also detail the limitations to confidentiality and discuss the payment for services. There are situations in which the client is incapable of providing informed consent due to deficits in cognitive abilities and/or an inability to make choices or understand the consequences of their decisions. Given that the potential client has severe behaviors that need intervention, discuss steps you could take to provide treatment.