Submit a proposal to a local organization that gives out small grants to professionals who wish to conduct a research study about a health problem for the first time in their work setting or local community.
Your task is to write a grant proposal to research a health problem of your choice. (Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Well-being of Adolescents, grant proposal topic essay will be provided and can be used as reference.)
This is a proposal that describes a research study that you would like to conduct.
Your grant proposal should describe a research study that can be completed within ONE year (should you get funded) and should cost no more than $5,000 to execute. You need to bear this in mind when putting your proposal together; it must be doable and realistic.
Your proposal should be 10 pages long, DOUBLE-spaced (Times New Roman, 12 pt font). This does not include cover page, table of contents, list of references, appendix etc.
Your proposal should consist of three sections or chapters. Include a title page, table of contents, and a list of references and any appendices.
Here is an outline of what your grant proposal should cover:
Section 1: Introduction (2 pages long)
Identify and describe a problem that you intend to research. State why this problem is important and how your study will be a unique and important contribution to the profession.
This chapter should be organized as follows: problem statement, brief review of the pertinent literature, purpose of the study, rationale for this study, significance of the proposed study, hypothesis, and independent and dependent variables.
Section 2: Review of Literature (5 pages long)
Review the pertinent literature relating to your identified problem. Your review should be critical and reflect your understanding of the problem and provide a rationale for your proposed study.
Do not attempt to give me a review based on abstracts of articles. You are expected to cite a minimum of 20 appropriate peer-reviewed articles. Make sure that most of your references are from journals from 2010 to the present.
Section 3: Methods (3 pages long)
Describe the following: your research design, instrument/s that you will use to measure the problem, the sample and sampling strategy, limitations of your study, human subject approval, data analysis plan (types of statistical tests to be used), and timeline for completing the study. Finally, you need to provide a budget breaking down how much you will need for each item (e.g., photocopying, testing instrument, subject fees, consultant etc -not to exceed $5,000).
Things to remember:
Use 1″ margins. No large gaps between paragraphs. Each paragraph should be joined to the next paragraph. Begin each paragraph by indenting it 0.3″.
Make sure your number each page. Please do not put any headers or footers on each page.
Make sure you follow the APA style. Please make sure that you properly cite all your sources in your paper and provide a bibliography at the end. I do not want to see any quotes.
You need to put everything in your own words, and you need to cite all your sources.
It is not acceptable to copy a sentence or paragraph and think it is okay as long as you cite the source. You need to put everything in your own words and cite your source. Again, everything needs to be written in your own words and there are to be no quotes.