I’m working on a communications multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me study.I will need 3 separate debate/argument briefs. Each of them has the same requirements as below but they all need to be on 3 separate arguments or debates.DIRECTIONS: You can receive up to 2.5points per argument brief. In an argument brief, students are expected to include the following:Choose a popular debate/argument that is happening nowadays
Provide a description of the general debate (the who, what, when, where, why)
Identify the resolution (fact, value, or policy)
Identify and cite at least one of the strongest arguments made on both sides
Considering the arguments provided, which side are you on and why?
Requirements:Minimum 300-600 words
Indicate where you got the arguments from. At least 2 sources.
Clearly organized with the following headings:DESCRIPTION: