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I want you to read these and answer the question. Iant to make sure that we have

July 2, 2024

I want you to read these and answer the question. Iant to make sure that we have the same answers.
Before you start, download Age Structure Diagrams for Uganda and the US here (it will be easier if you have these available either printed or in another window): 
Activity 22 – demographic_data_uganda.pdfDownload Activity 22 – demographic_data_uganda.pdf
Activity 22 – demographic_data_us.pdf Download Activity 22 – demographic_data_us.pdf  
This activity uses demographic information from the United Nations publication “World Population Prospects, 2015 Revision, Volume II:  Demographic Profiles”, United Nations, https://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Publications/Files/WPP2015_Volume-II-Demographic-Profiles.pdfLinks to an external site. (you don’t need to download this) to explore the differences in population trends for the United States to Uganda including overall population growth, distribution of population versus age, life expectancy, and fertility rate. 
Learning Goals
After completing this activity you will be able to:
Interpret age structure curves to determine if the population in a country is increasing, decreasing or stable.
Relate population change to fertility rate, life expectancy and infant mortality.
Evaluate different models and assumptions made for predicting change in population.
1)  The curves shown on page 781-2 (taken from the United Nations 2015 version of “World Population Prospects”) are population trend curves for Uganda, a country in central east Africa.  What has happened to the population there between 1950 and 2015? 
The population decreased
The population was stable
The population increased
2) Will this trend continue into 2050?
It will continue to increase
It will continue to decrease.
It will stabilize by 2050
It will stabilize then begin to decline by 2050.
3)Were there more young people or older people in Uganda in 2015?
More young people
More old people
The same number of older and young people.
4)What will happen to the population in Uganda by 2100?  Why do you think this will happen?
5) Shown on page 801-2 are similar population trend curves for the United States.  How has the population changed between 1950 and 2015?
Population has increased at a higher rate than Uganda
Population has increased at a slower rate than Uganda
Population has decreased at a higher rate than Uganda
Population has decreased at a slower rate than Uganda
6) How does the number of people at age 50-60 (in 2015) in the United States compare to those less than 10 years old?
Fewer people 50-60 years old than <10 years old
The same number of 50-60 years old than <10 years old
More people 50-60 years old than <10 years old.60
Can’t tell from these data.
7) Why do you think this has happened? Briefly!
8) What does the expected curve for 2050 tell you about the expected population growth in the United States?
The population might shrink (be negative growth) with even fewer people
The population will continue to grow at a steady but slow rate
The population will grow significantly
The population will remain steady
9)What assumptions do you think are made in predicting population growth into the future?  Briefly!
10) Why might these assumptions be wrong?  Briefly!
11) The middle left curve on page 782 shows how total fertility is predicted to change in Uganda through time.  What year will the population stabilize based on fertility rate?
By 2050 the value will reach 2.1
By 2070 the value will reach 2.1
By 2080 the value will reach 2.1
By 2100 the value may reach 2.1
The population is already stabilized.
12)How does the fertility rate in Uganda compare to Eastern Africa and to Africa?
Uganda is higher than East Africa and Africa.
Uganda is lower than East Africa and Africa.
Uganda is higher than East Africa but lower than Africa.
Uganda is lower than East Africa but higher than Africa.
13) Notice that in the life expectancy curves (bottom) there is a sharp drop around the year 2000.  Do you have any idea what may have caused this drop?  HINT:  Think about what types of things could cause a population to decline.
15)When did the population of the U.S. become stable?  Is it stable now (in 2015)?
In the mid-1950’s.  Yes it is stable.
In the mid-1960’s.  Yes it is stable.
In the mid-1970’s.  Yes it is stable.
In the mid-1990’s.  Yes it is no longer stable.
It has never been stable.
16) Compare the childhood mortality rates of the U.S. and Uganda.  How many deaths per 1,000 births occurred in both countries in 2015?
They are the same in both countries.
US:  20 deaths/1000 births;  Uganda: 120 deaths/1000 births
US:  10 deaths/1000 births; Uganda: 150 deaths/1000 births.
US:  7 deaths/1000 births;  Uganda:  93 deaths/1000 births.
17) How many years before mortality rate of Uganda drops to what it is presently (2015) in the US?
By 2050
By 2070
By 2080
By 2100
It is not projected to drop to US levels before 2100
18) If you were born in the US in 1990, what would be your average life expectancy?
About 48 years if you’re male; 51 years if you’re female.
About 45years if you’re male; 48 years if you’re female.
About 60 years if you’re male; 66 years if you’re female.
About 72 years if you’re male; 79 years if you’re female.
19)If you were born in Uganda in 1990, what would be your average life expectancy?
About 48 years if you’re male; 51 years if you’re female.
About 45 years if you’re male; 48 years if you’re female.
About 60 years if you’re male; 66 years if you’re female.
About 72 years if you’re male; 79 years if you’re female.
Question at position 20 
What could account for these differences in life expectancy? Briefly!

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