i used this film Juarez, Mexico (2007). Independent filmmaker James Cahill directs and stars as Detective Johnny Cash, in this low-budget thriller inspired by the true-life investigation of the 1993 slayings of 400 young women near the Mexican border town of Juarez. Determined to locate the latest missing girl, Cash goes undercover to flush out the monster behind the grisly murders and is shocked when he uncovers a conspiracy involving the town police
here are intructions You are required to compose a formal paper to illustrate geographical concepts through film. This paper is NOT a film review. The task is to use geographic vocabulary and concepts to analyze the film critically, based upon human geography concepts. To illustrate those concepts, you will draw upon material found in the textbook, or from an outside source. You will be asked to watch one film and to identify geographic terms and concepts (at least two) that will be revealed in the paper. Then you will define the focus of the paper with a strong thesis and present arguments to support your thesis. You must provide sufficient evidence of in-depth exploration of issues, such as describing the relevant scenes, quoting dialogues, citing the sources etc.
Imagine that you are writing the paper for fellow students, who want to know what is taught in a Human Geography course and how the knowledge may be applied in life. To explain the human geography concepts and their application in a simple and exciting way, you want to critically analyze a film. You will describe at least four scenes from the film in order to define two geography concepts (two scenes for one concept) and to demonstrate how these concepts can be applied in the real life situations. You will evaluate how well the film demonstrates the specific human geography concepts. You want to demonstrate your understanding of human geography and elaborate on what is the most intriguing or amazing or confounding or inspiring or shocking or anger-inducing theme from this course. Your paper should pursue the reader to learn more about human geography.
The human geography concepts you use as the framework of your paper will depend upon which film you choose to write about. Review five major themes in Human Geography in the Chapter 1 Table 1.1 of the textbook. Some specific examples of concepts to consider are culture, syncretism, regional identity, different types of diffusion, migration, spatial interactions, population pressures, geography of jobs, unemployment, outsourcing, consumerism, globalism, neocolonialism, maquiladoras, sustainable development, rich vs. poor, human welfare, central place, market area, invasion and succession, urban underclass, sprawl, imminent domain, ethnic cleansing, integration, regional autonomy, ethnocentrism, ethnonationalism, human-environmental interactions, adverse consequences, direct biological interference – and so on!
Your work on the paper is divided into three manageable parts. First, you will draft the paper thesis and compose a detailed introduction or outline (DUE during the first exam week.) I will review and return it to you with my comments two weeks after the due date. Then, you will compose the paper draft (DUE during the second exam week.) Your draft will be graded and returned with my comments two weeks after the due date. Finally, if you wish, you may revise the draft and submit the revised paper (DUE during the last exam week.) Your grade will be recorded based on the best paper received. For each part of the course project I will be sending out the handouts two weeks before the due date.
You will use the APA writing style. Know the rules of plagiarism: if you are quoting from a source, use quotes and citations. The paper itself will be double spaced and four to five pages in length (not counting the title page or bibliography). You may choose ONE film out of the recommended list below, or suggest an alternative for my approval. Films may be rented from the UCCS Kraemer Family Library, Pikes Peak Library District, Netflix and other places.
The suggested DRAFT structure:
In introduction, you should
1. Identify film and director/s
2. Identify geographic terms and concepts (at least two) that will be revealed in the paper
3. Define the focus of the paper with a strong thesis
4. Present arguments to support your thesis
5. Clarify the paper goal to lead to the desired conclusion
6. Clarify the paper set up describing what you will be writing about in the first part, what will follow, and what will lead to conclusion. You may use the following clauses “First, I will..,”, “Then, the issue of ..,” “Finally, the following … will be discussed,” “In conclusion, … will be summarized.”
In body paragraphs, you should
1. Provide sufficient evidence of in-depth exploration of issues such:
– Reconstruct scenes with detail to give presence to chosen evidence
– Quote dialogue as evidence to support the chosen thesis and aim
– Cite sources, film or text, or otherwise
– Apply geographical concepts to films in detail
– Your paper must be well organized and guide the reader through the evolving discussion
– Analyze how film portrays geographical concepts
2. Provide a critical analysis of newly acquired information
– You should enhance our understanding of the relationship between the real life situations and geographical concepts portrayed by films
-Your analysis should deepen reader’s experience of the film
– You can compare and contrast the chosen concepts
Conclusion must summarize your ideas in a clear fashion, must always correlate with the introduction, and should pursue the reader to exploring human geography further. Evaluate if the film situations picture well and enhance our understanding of the particular geographic concepts. Demonstrate your understanding of human geography and elaborate on what is the most intriguing or amazing or confounding or inspiring or shocking or anger-inducing geography theme from the film.
Bibliography and in-text citations must be constructed following the APA Citation style. The film must be cited. For citation format, consult the OWL APA Style Links to an external site.site.
i used this film Juarez, Mexico (2007). Independent filmmaker James Cahill dire
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