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I need replies to my Public Speaking course. These posts should be 2-3 paragraph

June 22, 2024

I need replies to my Public Speaking course. These posts should be 2-3 paragraphs that are 7-9 sentences each with references to the source material. This is the topic: Martin Luther King, Jr.’s  “I Have a Dream” speech is considered one of the most powerful speeches of all time.  It contributed to him being named Man of the Year by Time magazine in 1963 and to his Nobel Peace Prize the following year.  After viewing his speech, discuss the key features of King’s inspiring speaking style. What was it about his use of language and style that gave his speech so much impact? What were the strengths in his delivery style? What did he do to connect with his audience? In your opinion, what about this speech made it so powerful? 
Post one that needs a reply: “Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech stands out as a pinnacle of powerful rhetoric due to several key features of his speaking style and use of language. King’s eloquence is characterized by a rhythmic cadence that resembles a preacher’s delivery, which captivates and energizes his audience. His use of anaphora, repeating the phrase “I have a dream,” creates a rhythmic and emotional crescendo that reinforces his vision of equality and justice. King’s language is imbued with vivid imagery and metaphors, painting a stark contrast between the oppression faced by African Americans and the hopeful future he envisions. The phrases he used evoke strong visual and emotional responses, making abstract concepts more tangible for his listeners. The strengths in King’s delivery style include his clear and deliberate enunciation, varied intonation, and strategic pauses, which emphasize key points and allow the audience to absorb the significance of his words. His confident and passionate tone conveys a sense of urgency and conviction, inspiring listeners to believe in the possibility of change.
To connect with his audience, King uses references to American ideals such as freedom and justice, appealing to shared values. He also includes allusions to historical and religious texts, which resonate deeply with a diverse audience. King’s ability to weave personal and collective experiences into his speech creates a sense of unity and shared purpose. The power of this speech lies in its ability to articulate the aspirations and frustrations of a marginalized community while invoking universal themes of freedom and equality. King’s masterful use of rhetoric, combined with his powerful delivery, makes the “I Have a Dream” speech an enduring and influential call to action. This speech was so powerful that it led to so many good things! We still celebrate MLK because of the great things he did! He was a powerful speaker because he was so straightforward and motivational, the audience was deeply connected with him. They helped spread his compassion about this situation.”
Works Cited:
LogistiKHD. (2013, August 29). Martin Luther King | “I Have a Dream” speech [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I47Y6VHc3Ms
Martin Luther King I have a Dream Speech – American rhetoric. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mlkihaveadream.htm 
Post two that needs a reply: “Dr Martin Luther King’s “ I Have A Dream” speech had so much impact because of his emotional ties to it. Dr King’s emotional appeal allowed him to tap into the audience’s emotions by being relatable, referencing things the community he is addressing has been through. He urges freedom and equality, acts of morality. He also uses a rhythm in his speech, making it poem or song-like, keeping an interesting tone. Due to this cadence in his speech, it makes it cognitive bias and people are prone to believe the statements being made.
A strength in Dr King’s delivery style would be his body language. Dr King’s body language displays a sense of confidence and assertiveness. His facial expressions added emotion to all he delivered.
He connected with his audience by using words such as “ friends” “brothers” and “sisters”, insinuating that they are not alone and he sees them as a family, part of a community. I believe the reason Dr King’s speech was so powerful is because he meant all of what he said as well as he acted on what he said. He then encouraged others to act on the dreams he included in his speech because not only was it his dream it was others as well.”
The Rhyme-as-Reason Effect: Why Rhyming Makes Messages More Persuasive. (n.d.). https://effectiviology.com/rhyme-as-reason/
Npr. (2023, January 16). Read Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech in its entirety. NPR. https://www.npr.org/2010/01/18/122701268/i-have-a-dream-speech-in-its-entirety

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