I know its alot but pleasse read my instructions!!!!! This is a research paper for my psychology 210 class on a disorder I was going to do Bipolar disorder because it falls into the biological issues that may occur with the disorder and my professor is asking me to tie in the neurotransmitters that are linked to the disorder so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MAKE SURE TO LINK THE NEUROTRANSMITTERS THAT TIE INTO BIPOLAR DISORDER I will now copy and paste what he has added in the description, as you can see he does not specify if how many sources are necessary so please use your best judgement but please add more than 3, Thank youuuu
Part 1: Choosing a Topic
Choose a disorder- any disorder that is classified as a psychological or neurological disorder is game. That said, some will be harder than others. Try to make sure your disorder has an extensive biological basis, since this is a paper about the biology of the disorder.
Generally speaking, personality disorders and eating disorders tend to be a bit more difficult whereas mood disorders (bipolar or depression) and schizophrenia tend to be a bit easier. Anxiety disorders tend to be somewhere in the middle. If you are unsure about the biological basis for your disorder or about whether the topic you are choosing will be difficult or not, please ask me. I can usually predict which ones will be easier and which will not.
Part 2: What is the goal of the paper?
Your goal with this paper is to explain the symptoms of the disorder in terms of the biological issues that are occurring. This basically means that you will be linking the symptom to a neurotransmitter or brain area (or both). You will need to be specific. Is the symptom linked to overactivity in the brain area or underactivity? Is it linked to too much of that neurotransmitter or not enough. EVERY symptom that you mention about the disorder MUST be explained and linked to something biological. Be sure to include information about Santiago Ramon y Cajal’s work in your paper.
You are also welcome to include information about treatments for the disorder. Focus on the biological treatments (mostly medications, but there are other possibilities) and how they work in the brain as well. Do NOT spend much/any time on non-biological treatments. Connect the treatments you discuss to brain areas and neurotransmitters too. If you list ten different medications that are used for the disorder, make sure you explain how each one biologically works and what the differences between them are (otherwise, don’t list all the different ones).
Part 3: Some details about the requirements of the assignment
The end product should be no less than 4 pages in text length and no more than 8 pages, double spaced, in 12 pt font (times new roman or something similar). At the top of your paper, put your name and the name of the disorder you wrote about. Other than that, just have text for your writing (no pictures or charts).
For sources, you can use scientific articles or websites. However, your paper should have, at minimum, five sources, two of which are scientific articles. Please cite your articles internally and on a works cited page in APA format. NOTE that if you use an AI system to help you with your paper, and I catch you, you will receive a 0 on the assignment.
You will still need to cite things internally. First, you are citing the information, not the words (remember no quotes!). To cite the information in the paper, use the following format:
(author’s last name, year of publication)
If you don’t have the year of publication, just include the author’s last name. If you have more than one author, just including the first author is fine.
For your references, please use this format:
Journal Article:
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., Author, C. C. & Author, D. D. (Year published). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume(issue), first-last page numbers. doi when available
Brown, W. H., Pfeiffer, K. A., McIver, K. L., Dowda, M., Addy, C. L., & Pate, R. R. (2009). Social and environmental factors associated with preschoolers’ nonsedentary physical activity. Child Development, 80, 45-58. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8624.2008.01245.x
Jackson, D. (2010). How personal trainers can use self-efficacy theory to enhance exercise behavior in beginning exercisers. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 32(3), 67-71. doi: 10.1519/SSC.0b013e3181d81c10
NSCA Professional Standards & Guidelines Task Force (2009). National Strength and Conditioning Association: Strength and conditioning professional standards and guidelines. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 31(5), 14-38.
Stewart, G. L., Dustin, S. L., Barrick, M. R., & Darnold, T. C. (2008). Exploring the handshake in employment interviews. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93, 1139-1146. doi: 10.1037/0022- 9010.93.5.1139
If you accessed it online, AND if the article has no DOI:
After the article page numbers, add URL of its home page ; alternatively, add the database name .
Note: When citing from an electronic database, use “Retrieved from name of database” for a database that is freely available to anyone. Use “Available from name of database” if the database is by subscription only.
The experience of the Center for the Vulnerable Child. Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine, 149, 386-392. Retrieved from http://archpedi.ama- assn.org/cgi/reprint/149/4/386?ijkey=033c55ef53a3a3727524dcaa84b3e9144e71814c
Riewald, S. (2009). Exercise for improved cognitive function in the elderly. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 31(5), 89-90. Available from ProQuest.
Author, A.A. (Year published). Title of Page. Retrieved from URL.
Benaroch, R. (2015). Common sleep disorders in teens. Retrieved from http://teens.webmd.com/common-sleep-disorders-teens?page=3
I know its alot but pleasse read my instructions!!!!! This is a research paper f
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