2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


i have 4 discussion post that peers wrote and there is 2 discussion topics i wil

i have 4 discussion post that peers wrote and there is 2 discussion topics i will post the topics first so you know what the discussions posts are about you have to reply to each discussion post seperatly explaining why you like and or agree with their post you must write at least 4 sentences for each post you can NOT use any referencfes on any of these dont answer the topics just the peer replies 
1st topic- The opening quote in Chapter 16 is “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” Discuss what this means from both an organizational and individual perspective.   
1st post- the phrase’its not what you know,it’s who you know’ emphasizes the significance of networking and relationships in both professional and personal contexts.From an organizational perspective,this means that having connections and strong network can often open doors to opportunities,collaboration ,and resources that might not be accessible solely through knowledge or skills.it highlights the importance of building relationships within the industry ,as these connections can lead to partnerships mentorships, and even potential business ventures.
On an individual level,this phrase underscores the value of building a network of contacts that can support your career growth and personal development .Knowing the right people can sometimes be more beneficial than just possessing knowledge or expertise.Networking allows individuals to exchange ideas,gain new perspectives, and access opportunities that they might not have been aware of otherwise.it also plays a role in personal growth,as relationships can provide emotional support,guidance,and inspiration.
In essence, while knowledge and skills are crucial,the phrase suggests that the relationships and connections you cultivate can often be equally important in achieving success and personal fulfillment
2nd post- The opening quote in Chapter 16 is “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” Discuss what this means from both an organizational and individual perspective. 
– This quote translates to being at the right place at the right time and also saying the right things to the right people. In an organizational standpoint a lot of promotions can be based on recommendations from higher ups as opposed to actual skill. People believe in you more when a higher status person is vouching for you . This phrase is important in business relations because building the right connections can strengthen business . Knowledge and skills are important but knowing the right people can open the door to opportunities, interviews, etc. From personal experience I had a interview at a receptionist office and due to transportation issues I had to be there early. I was sitting in the lobby for almost an hour and I noticed a woman periodically checking in on me and asking me what position I was interviewing for. Closer to my interview time i get called to the back with the woman checking on me and another interviewer. Long story short the woman who was checking on me was the regional manager and she gave me the job on the spot just by how patient I was and determined to interview. We formed a bond based on impression and being at the right place at the right time. 
here is the 2nd discussion topic-   When you want to combine several files into one long document, creating a master document containing subdocuments is a good idea. Explain why this is advantageous and how it works.
3rd post-    Creating a Master Document will help you allow to create a master document, that will contain links to a subdocuments. The feature is used to manage large documents that are broken down into smaller, more manageable sections. 
1. Creat a Master Document: By opening Microsoft Window and create a new document that will serve as your master document. Go to the View tab on the Ribbon, click on the Outline button in the views group, this will switch your view to Outline View, it is helpful for working with master documents.
2. Insert Subdocuments: The Master Document is by placing your cursor where you want to insert a subdocument. Then go to the Insert tab on the ribbon, click on Object dropdown in the text group. Click on the Object dropdown in the Text group. Then you need to select Text from File to insert an existing document as a subdocument.
3. Organize Subdocuments: The Outline view, this is where you can see the structure of your master document and its subdocuments. This is were you rearrange the order of subdocuments by clicking and dragging them in the Outline view.
4.Navigate between Subdocuments: The Outline view, where you can click on the expansion buttons to the next master document headings to show or hide the subdocuments.
5. Update Links:  This is where you can make changes to a subdocument and can update the links in the master document by right-clicking on the the link and selecting Update field.
6. Save and Manage: This is where you will save your master document regularly to retain the links to the subdocument.
4th post-   When creating a master document that contains sub documents provides several advantages such as:
1. Organization and Structure (breaking large documents into smaller)
2. Ease of navigation: Provides hierarchical breakdown by section or chapter, in turn it makes it easier to navigate documents
3. Collaboration: it allows multiple team members to work on different sub-documents, without interfering with each other’s work
4. Document management: it simplifies updates (specific section, it does not require opening and saving the entire document)
5. Efficient: performance: Utilizing sub documents reduces the load on the document processor and enhances performance
How it works:
1. Creating master document: using word processing software that supports master-sub document.  Establishes Structure of the master document.
2. Insert sub-documents: linking documents (insert links to the sub-documents)
3. Formatting and styling: Consistent styles: it allows to apply a consistent set of styles and formatting rules in master document
4. Navigating and editing: Outline or navigation view of documents to jump to specific sections or sub-documents quickly. 
5. Finalizing the document: compilation all sub-documents into a single cohesive document.  Exporting the entire master document as a single file for distribution. 

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Our support team will assign your paper to a team of 2 writers with a background in your degree – For example, if you have a nursing paper we will select a team with a nursing background. The main writer will handle the research and writing part while the second writer will proof the paper for grammar, formatting & referencing mistakes if any.

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Yes! We only pick projects where we are sure we’ll deliver good grades.

What do you need to get started on my paper?

* The full assignment instructions as they appear on your school account.

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* Any templates or additional files required to complete the assignment.

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