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  I also wrote about the Marshmellow Test as one of my study options. I found t

July 26, 2024


I also wrote about the Marshmellow Test as one of my study options. I found that one rather interesting aspect of the study is how it delineates the role of attention in self-control. The primary hypothesis posits that conditions that help children mentally focus on the delayed reward will enhance their ability to wait longer. This idea aligns with Mischel and Ebbesen’s findings that attentional strategies can significantly impact delay behavior. It’s remarkable how even subtle shifts in focus, such as thinking about the reward versus engaging in a distracting task, can influence a child’s ability to wait. I appreciate how you highlighted the experimental design and the between-subjects approach. Random assignment was crucial in ensuring that differences in delay times could be attributed to the experimental conditions rather than individual differences. This design choice enhances the internal validity of the study, providing more robust evidence for the relationship between attentional focus and delay of gratification. Your discussion on the participants also brings up an important point regarding the sample’s representativeness. While the study’s sample size was relatively small and specific to children attending a university nursery school, the insights gained are nonetheless valuable (Mischel & Ebbesen, 1970).

Moreover, the age range of 3 to 5 years and 8 months was well-chosen, capturing a critical developmental period for self-control abilities. However, as you noted, this specific sample might limit the generalizability of the findings to broader populations. The procedures you described were cleverly designed to ensure that the children fully grasped what was expected of them in the experiment. According to Mischel and Ebbesen (1970), by giving the children a tour of the lab and explaining the task through a simple and engaging method like using a pretzel to signal the end of the waiting period, the researchers minimized the risk of misunderstandings. This attention to detail is one of the study’s strengths, as it helps ensure that the results accurately reflect the children’s delay behavior without being skewed by confusion or lack of comprehension. Regarding the measures and materials, the use of a 15-minute waiting period was a straightforward and effective way to quantify delay behavior. However, the lack of detailed information on the reliability and validity of these measures is a valid critique. Ensuring that the rewards were appealing to the children was another thoughtful aspect of the study design, although it introduces some variability if children’s preferences changed during the experiment. One point that could be further explored is the practical applications of these findings. Understanding how attentional focus can enhance delay of gratification has significant implications for educational settings and parenting strategies. Techniques that help children focus on long-term rewards rather than immediate temptations could be beneficial in fostering self-control and patience.

Very Respectfully,



Mischel, W., & Ebbesen, E. B. (1970). Attention in delay of gratification. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 16(2), 329-337. https://doi.org/10.1037/h0029815


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