“Human Trafficking and The Terrible Price Of Sex.” Please try to keep in mind how this fits into the description of the perfect religion mentioned in Scripture. True religion is caring for the people who cannot care for themselves (i.e. the widow, the orphan, and the alien).
Please provide a 500-word critique that reflects on justice and what it means to care for people who cannot care for themselves.
This is an important theme for the Hebrew Bible and the prophetic message. The prophets cared mostly for the people who could not care for themselves. Take the Sex Trafficking audio and interact with the theme in your critique.
Your answer must reference the corresponding reading in the Foundations workbook and the resources on Canvas. If you do not reference these sources, you will receive a zero on this assignment. You must begin learning how to use sources in your answers.
A student example of this assignment is attached: Critique6_Example.pdf
Cite the Videos used
Cite the journal Title: Foundations of Christian Thought and Practice
Edition: 2nd Format: Spiral Bound
Author(s): Hudson, Don Michael
ISBN13: 978-0-615-52913-4
Pub. Date: Pulp Press, 2014