Step 1 – READ:
Step 2:
Think about what questions you might ask families to get an idea of the values, beliefs, and practices around their thinking. How would you phrase your questions to bring up realizations about the importance of cognition? How about the importance of math?
Additionally, consider the Anderson & Gold article and how the home and family impact child learning. In your work with families, how might you discover families’ math identities and how might you build a better bridge between home and school math identities? Refer to the Anderson & Gold article and use this in your planning.
Step 3: Create your discussion plan
Create a Word document (.doc, .docx) of your discussion plan. Your plan should include:
Five (5) questions you might ask families to:
get an idea of the values, beliefs, practices around their thinking.
bring up realizations about the importance of cognition and math.
Three (3) strategies you might ask families to:
discover families’ math identities.
discover how you might build a better bridge between home and school math identities.