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How would you address a situation in which you were not getting the support you needed from a hiring manager?

November 11, 2021
Christopher R. Teeple

Strengthening the Relationship Between HR and Business Unit leaders in Chapter 6 of Powerful, McCord shares a story about an attempted handoff of staffing responsibilities and a lack of responsiveness from business-unit leaders for either hiring or firing.
How would you address a situation in which you were not getting the support you needed from a hiring manager?
What is the right balance of motivation and leverage needed to get this support? Be specific, citing practices you have seen to be effective, and explain why these have worked well.
If you are currently a business leader, what support do you want from HR in executing your strategic people plan? Or, if you are an HR leader, what do you want from your business leaders in executing the plan?
Post your initial response by Wednesday, midnight of your time zone, and reply to at least 2 of your classmates’ initial posts by Sunday, midnight of your time zone
1st person to respond to
Hello Professors & Class,
How would you address a situation in which you were not getting the support you needed from a hiring manager?
As an individual, I would contact the hiring manager and schedule a meeting. During the meeting, I would inquire about the particular position and the requirements management is looking for in a candidate. Also, what I could do to make myself more marketable.
What is the right balance of motivation and leverage needed to get this support?
Motivation as a solid team is vital. You have to work together to reach a common goal. If the management is not correct, then the unit will not follow and vice versa. Therefore, the key is making sure that both management and the team have a common goal. So, motivation is the way of getting success within any organization.
If you are currently a business leader, what support do you want from HR in executing your strategic people plan? Or, if you are an HR leader, what do you want from your business leaders in executing the plan?
If I were a business leader, I would like HR to ensure that all developmental training and vital resources would be readily accessible. And if I were an HR leader, I would keep leaders grounded in the vision of the organization’s goals and the values that drive people’s motivations and behaviors.
Patty McCord. 2017. Powerful: Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility. Silicon Guil
2nd person to respond to
Hello Dr. Wallace and class,
How would you address a situation in which you were not getting the support you needed from a hiring manager?
I would have a one-on-one with the hiring manager to address my concerns and see if we can find a resolution for getting their support for the situation. Letting them know that finding common ground is best for all business partners, our HR department, and the company’s interests in hiring. I would
What is the right balance of motivation and leverage needed to get this support? Be specific, citing practices you have seen to be effective and explain why these have worked well.
Having the hiring manager engaged with the whole process from start to finish and working closely with HR, talent and Actuation departments, and business units. For example, when we have our hiring events twice a month. After each event, we meet with the teams and the Managing Director and address what processes went well and what needs to be changed in the interviewing, onboarding, and when offered positions(1).
If you are currently a business leader, what support do you want from HR in executing your strategic people plan? Or, if you are an HR leader, what do you want from your business leaders in executing the plan?
I would want my HR leader to make sure that when executing a plan of action, that requires making sure that we are looking at the big picture moving forward and if we need people that we don’t have. We are tapping into the right talent pool to acquire them. Also, making sure that all departments and business partners are communicating to find opportunities to keep and strengthen the companies competitive advantages
Bruce Sickler
JWMI Week 6 Lecture Notes

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