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How was Imperialism rationalized, and were those rationales justified? Cite evid

June 18, 2024

How was Imperialism rationalized, and were those rationales justified? Cite evidence to show how late-nineteenth and early-twentieth-century imperialism is still impacting world events today.
What was the relationship between World War I and World War II? Why was the isolationism of the United States after World War I such an important factor in the advent of World War II?
Explain the ideological differences between Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism. Why do these ism’s have such an impact on today’s society?
Think of another inter-ethnic or international conflict that has lasted for a long period of history. This may be a conflict that continues as we write this exam, or a prolonged conflict that was eventually resolved. Compare and Contrast the Israeli/Palestinian conflict with the other conflict from the 19thor 20th
5. Respond to this; After reading the article on Eleven Lessons in 21st Century U.S. History, I think we should focus on the lesson from 9/11. Not only was this day the biggest failure of the United States system of intelligence and national security, it has shown us that we need to do better with our security and how we respond to these crisis. As said in the article, “..the United States is not invincible..”, (Mintz, 2021),  knowing this lesson will help us keep an open eye that there are terrible things that can happen, and will happen unfortunately. Knowing we are not vincible to harm and violence, will help us overcome the shock of harm and violence if it was to ever was to occur again in this manner.  It has been said in the article that, “the United States over responded to a threat that could have been dealt with in other ways..” (Mintz, 2021). This meaning, we could had saved ourselves and avenged the lives that were taken and disturbed in a quicker way, being pressing our neighbor counties to the terrorist groups or attacking Al Qaeda with other ways than going straight to full enhanced invasions. With knowing these lessons from 9/11 we can better improve the way we respond to terrorist attacks that will help our country overcome the feelings of fear and disturbance. 
Mintz, S. (2021, December 16). Eleven Lessons in 21st Century U.S. History. Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved on June 17, 2024. https://www.insidehighered.com/blogs/higher-ed-gamma/11-lessons-21st-century-us-history
6. Respond to this; After reading “Eleven Lessons in 21st Century U.S. History” it became apparent to me how much has already so such a short period of time. There are many lessons that can be taken away from the events so far but a couple that really stuck out to me was understanding the reliability of the voting system as well as the lessons from the Great Recession (Mintz, 2021). We experience a presidential election every four years and it would come to reason that we as a people would understand what a huge undertaking it is to record all the ballots. I say this but, in every election, there are discrepancies in the polls and one side may look like a landslide victory but then lose after more votes are counted and recorded. Since the pandemic, we have seen an unbelievable change in the financial market, specifically the housing market(Mintz, 2021). House prices are continuing to climb and interest rates show no sign of coming down. This reminds me a lot of the housing market crash where people were paying large amounts of money with a high interest rate that resulted in foreclosures. I bought a condo seven years ago for 85 thousand and sold it last year for 160 thousand and I changed nothing since I bought it. The financial climate may repeat itself from 2008 and 2009 (Mintz, 2021). There are several more lessons that can be looked at as we continue in the 21st century but these are those that I look at the most because of the current political and economic situations. 

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