A legal case brief is a written summary of a legal case that features all of the important parts of the case. Briefing a case is the act of creating a “brief” summary of the case, including the facts, issues, laws, and reasoning of a case. Briefing a legal case fosters understanding of the case, the legal issues in the case and the reasons why a court ultimately decided the case the way it was decided. Simply put, briefing a case helps one to understand the case, and the law.
As preparation for this project please study these resources explaining the case-briefing process:
Resource (1): How to Brief a Case, an article explaining how to brief a legal case from the John Jay College of Criminal Justice:
How to Brief A Case
(This article is needed to complete the assignment)
Resource (2): How to Write a Case Brief, an extensive article on writing case briefs from LexisNexis:
How to Write a Case Brief
(This article is needed to complete the assignment)
WRITING ASSIGNMENT: After you have finished preparing, complete this activity:
Brief Yale Diagnostic Radiology v. Estate of Harun. The brief should be in a format similar to the examples from the Resources listed above. Here is the court’s opinion in the case:
Yale Diagnostic v. Estate of Harun.pdf
(This case needs to be read to complete the assignment).