Required length: 8-10 pages. Not including Cover+Reference Format: APA (quote directly from the readings – minimum two quotes for each author) Note: whether you choose option A or B you are expected to include 6 articles total. Option A: Answer TWO questions. Include an analysis of three articles from the list of relevant authors for each of your answers. Option B: Answer THREE questions: Include an analysis of two articles from the list of relevant authors for each of your answers.
1. Examine the role of values or conduct norms in the study of deviance. Relevant authors: Shaw and Mckay, Differential Systems of Values Miller, Lower Class Culture As a Generalizing Milieu of Gang Delinquency Cloward and Ohlin, Delinquency and Opportunity Sellin, Culture Conflict and Crime Blackman, Subcultural Theory: An Historical and Contemporary Assessment of the Concept for Understanding Deviance Ferrell, Cultural Criminology
2. Examine the labeling approach to the study of deviance. Relevant authors: Lemert, Primary and Secondary Deviance Becker, Outsiders Taunembaum, The Dramatization of Evil Szaz, The Myth of Mental Illness Rosenhan, Being Sane in Insane Places Green, South and South, ‘They Say You Are a Danger But You are Not’: Representations and Construction of the Moral Self in Narratives of “Dangerous Individuals” Reese, Untimely Acts: Extending the Interactionist Concept of Deviance
3. In what ways is deviance ‘socially constructed’? Relevant authors: Specter and Kitsuse, Social Problems and Deviance: Some Parallel Issues / Best, Dark Figures and Child Victims: Statistical Claims About Children / Young, Moral Panics and Narrative / Rohloff and Wright, Moral Panic and Social Theory: Beyond the Heuristic / Lombardo, The Hegemonic Narrative and the Social Construction of Deviance: The Case of the Black Hand / Kramer, From ‘Habitual Offenders’ to ‘Career Criminals’ / Pearce and Charman, A Social Psychological Approach to Understanding Moral Panic / Goode and Ben-Yehuda, Moral Panics: Culture, Politics and Social Construction
4. How is ‘social class’ relevant to the study of deviance? Relevant Authors: Adler, The Dynamite, Wreckage and Scum of Our Cities / Sumner, The Social Nature of Crime and Deviance / Cross and Hernandez, Place, Identity and Deviance