2-3 pages in APA format about the history of your selected population. Include citations and references including NASW’s Code of Ethics. Use the select questions below, to guide you:
Population: History of Alcoholism and the Justice System
- How has this group been treated historically in our culture? What is the history (e.g., laws, experiences, etc.) related to this type of treatment or discrimination? What assumptions, beliefs, or attributions appear to drive this treatment or discrimination of this group?
- What are examples of specific oppressive or discriminatory practices that this group has encountered as they interact with various institutions? You may include social, economic, educational, faith, and health care institutions in your discussion, as well as any other institutions of relevance.
- What examples of strength and resilience are, or have been, evident within members of this group?
- Discuss how NASW’s Code of Ethics applies to working with this population.