1.) Revisit the topic, images, sources, and analysis your created for the video assignment. Refresh yourself on the particulars and brainstorm ways to expand upon and deepen your analysis.
The paper must consider Gustave Courbet self-portrait image in relation to a piece of text relating to the image. This can be a piece of academic writing, a poem, journal entry, letter, etc.
You pick what is best.
2.) Write a 4-5 page research paper using and expanding upon your materials, images and text.
Include your 3-4 images with proper labels
Remember artwork italics
List your images images at the end of your paper as you would a bibliography
Images and bibliography do not count toward page length
A thesis statement IS REQUIRED
Cite 3-4 academic resources
List these sources in a bibliography at the end of your paper
Use MLA or Chicago Manual Style
Paper should be double-spaced, in Times New Roman, include a standard header, formatted with one inch margins, etc.
4.) Use the following questions to guide your writing:
How does this person present themselves to the world?
What media and formal elements does the artist use to represent themself?
How do they self-fashion?
Is the artist presenting their authentic self?
Does the image and text contradict or reinforce one another?
You may organize your analysis however you prefer, but your paper must have a thesis statement.