How does habitat degradation such as lead reduce Eastern Mallard populations?
● Discuss the importance of lead in the health of Mallards and their habitats. How might that change how you think about species conservation and its corresponding costs?
● Assigned Tasks:
1) Lead poisoning in waterfowl:
2) Lead Poisoning
3) Raptors and Lead Poisoning
4) Costs of restoring wetlands,in%20major%20corn%2Dproducing%20areas.
5) Lead pollution from waterfowl hunting in wetlands and rice fields in Argentina
○ Deliverables: 1) Research how much it would cost to restore wetlands in the northeastern United States Put together a report that describes the cost of restoring 5,000 acres for Eastern Mallard Habitat throughout these states. Your report should be 2-3 pages and have at least two figures.