Question: b. How do Waltz and Wendt each define anarchy? According to each thinker, what prevents anarchy from degenerating into chaos in the normal course of things?
Instructions: This is a midterm examination essay so you should be using arguments and evidence from the first half of the course, not just one or two weeks. Please refer to the assigned (i.e., required) readings and related literature (simple author and date will suffice for assigned readings; no need for full citations in the examination) to answer the questions.
Be sure to provide examples from the readings. Please include in your responses a “for instance” or “for example” statement(s); throughout the exam, reference to a variety of countries and regions is encouraged. These topics are designed to make you integrate various themes covered in the course. Put more bluntly: if you construe the question narrowly, I will construe your grade narrowly.
Use book to write essay
Book: International Politics Enduring Concepts Contemporary Issues, by Art Robert J Jervis Robert.
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