MODULE 1 DISCUSSION – Managing Financial Resources
Within higher education, financial resources are not always plentiful.
How can you as a leader use financial management to help you make the hard decisions about where and how to allocate needed resources? How can you responsibly appraise the merits of financial needs, equitably allocate resources, and at the same time ensure institutional stability?
Palfreyman, D., & Tapper, T. (2016). The marketization of English higher education and the financing of tuition fees. London Review of Education, 14(1), 47–55.
Kalimullin, A. M., & Dobrotvorskaya, S. G. (2016). Higher education marketing strategies based on factors impacting the enrollees’ choice of a university and an academic program. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education , 11(13), 6025–6040.
Kess, S., Grimaldi, J. R., & Revels, J. (2016). Paying for higher education. CPA Journal, 86(7), 70–73.
Williams, G. (2016). Higher education: Public good or private commodity? London Review of Education, 14(1), 131–142.