2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


How are people recruited and selected for this job?

July 17, 2021
Christopher R. Teeple

The book is not needed but might be helpful if you have access to it. I do not need any references. The word count I submitted does not need to be met, if you go below that it’s fine. Thank you.
Chapter 9 question:
You supervise a team of marketing analyst who work on different snack products in a large Food Products Company. The marketing analysts have recently Received undergraduate degrees in business or liberal arts and have been on the job between one and three years. There was responsibilities include analyzing the market for their respective products, including competitors; Tracking current marketing initiatives; And planning future marketing campaigns. They also need to prepare quarterly sales and expense reports for their products and estimated budget for the next 3 quarters; to prepare these reports, they need to obtain data from financial and accounting analyst assigned to their products.
When they first started on the job, you took each marketing analyst through the reporting cycle, explaining what needs to be done and how to accomplish it and emphasizing the need for timely reports. Although preparing the reports can be tedious, you think the task is pretty straightforward and easily accomplished if the analyst plan ahead And allocate sufficient time for it. When reporting time approaches, you remind the analysts through email messages and emphasized the need for accurate and timely reports in team meetings.
You believe this element of the Analyst job couldn’t be more straightforward. however, at the end of each quarter, the majority of the analysts submit their reports a day or two late, and, worse yet, your own supervisor ( to whom the reports are eventually given) has indicated that information is often missing and sometimes the reports contain errors. Once you started getting Flack from your supervisor about this problem, you decide you had better fix things quickly. You met with the marketing analyst, explain the problem, told them to submit the reports to you a day or two early so you could look them over, and more generally emphasize that they really need to get their act together. Unfortunately things have not improved much and you were spending more and more of your own time doing the reports. What are you going to do?
Chapter 10 question:
You are the CEO of a medium-sized company that makes window coverings such as blinds and shutters. Your company has a cost advantage in terms of being able to make custom window coverings and costs that are relatively low in the industry. However, the performance of your company has been lackluster. To make needed changes and improve performance, you Mets with the eight other top managers in your company and charged them with identifying problems and missed opportunities in each of their areas and coming up with action plans to address the problems and take advantage of opportunities.
Once you gave the managers the okay, they were charged with implementing their action plans in a timely fashion and monitoring the effects of their initiatives monthly for the next 8 to 12 months.
You approve each of the managers action plans, and a year later most of the managers were reporting that their initiatives have been successful in addressing the problems and opportunities they had identified a year ago. However, overall company performance continues to be lackluster and shows no signs of improvement. You are confused and starting to question your leadership capabilities and approaching change. What are you going to do to improve the performance and effectiveness of your company?
Chapter 11 question:
You were recently hired and a boundary spanning role for the global unit of an educational and professional Publishing Company. The company is headquartered in New York (where you work) and has divisions in multiple countries. Each division is responsible for translating, manufacturing, marketing, and selling assets of books in its country. your responsibilities include interfacing with managers in each of the divisions in your region (Central and South America), overseeing their budgeting and financial reporting to headquarters, and leading a virtual team consisting of the top managers in charge of each of the divisions in your region. The virtual team mission is to promote Global Learning, explore new potential opportunities and markets, and address ongoing problems. You communicate directly with division managers via telephone and email, as well as written reports, memos, and messages. when virtual team meetings convened, video conferencing is often used.
After your first few virtual team meetings, you noticed that the managers seemed to be reticent about speaking up. interestingly enough, when each manager communicates with you individually, primarily in telephone Communications and emails, he or she tends to be forthcoming and Frank, and you feel you have a good rapport with each of them. however, getting the managers to communicate with one another as a virtual team has been a challenge. At the last meeting, you tried the prompt some of the managers who raised issues relevant to the agenda that you knew were on the minds from your individual conversations with them. Surprisingly, the managers skillfully avoided informing their teammates about the heart of the issues in question. you are confused and troubled although you feel your other responsibilities are going well, you know your virtual team is not operating like a team at all; and no matter what you try, discussions in Virtual team meetings are forced and generally unproductive. What are you going to do to address this problem?
Chapter 12 Questions:
Think about your current job or a job you have had in the past. If you have never had a job, interview a friend or family member who is currently working. Answer the following questions about the job you have chosen:
(Note: I’ve worked fast food before. I feel like that’s an easy one. Other options could be Military, Temp, and Secretary)
How are people recruited and selected for this job? Are the Recruitment and selection procedures the organization uses effective or ineffective? why?
What training and development do people who pulled this job receive? Are the training and development appropriate? Why or why not?
How is performance of this job appraised? Does performance feedback contribute to motivation and high performance on this job?
What levels of pay and benefits are provided on this job? Are these levels appropriate? Why or why not?

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