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Hi! There are two parts of this assignment. Part 1: Using the attached pictures.

May 15, 2024

Hi! There are two parts of this assignment.

Part 1: Using the attached pictures. Make 4 discussion posts about the topics in each picture. Be creative, you can ask questions, but make it concise and detailed. After, make a peer response (makes sure it refers to the topic and only include information related to the info given)(no outside resources) to the following two responses:

1. With every other state having significant increases in the obesity rate, why do you think California is the only state seeing a decline rather than increase?

2. The statement emphasizes the significant health risks linked to obesity, such as heightened susceptibility to diseases like COVID-19, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. It stresses the pressing need for comprehensive action to tackle this problem, focusing on prevention, intervention, and support across different sectors

Part 2: Respond to the following 2 discussion posts and make a peer response per post. It must present relevant viewpoints or information related to the topic which shows connectedness to the discussion. Uses APA 7th Edition formatting for in-text and reference citations if used. Uses proper writing mechanics – grammar and spelling

Discussion 1: Artificial intelligence’s effect on education and research is small now, but I think the future may look drastically different. In my opinion, AI has the opportunity to completely change education and research. Presently, I think generative AI like chat GPT does not contribute much to education or research, and presents challenges for faculty and distinguishing real versus AI-written essays. I also think Chatgpt’s generative design can create answers that sound right but are actually wrong. This, coupled with the need for precision in healthcare, causes me to not be a fan of AI in nursing education and research for now. One caveat to this is AI’s ability to generate subtitles for videos for nursing students who have hearing difficulties, as previously these students were largely excluded from watching online videos. Moving forward, I think the future of AI is expansive and presents opportunities for educators and students. In the future, AI could leverage a professor’s time by pre-grading assignments for them, and allow them to teach more classes with less busy work. Moreover, perhaps students will have a personal human-like tutor available at all hours of the day. I also believe that long term technology advancements are often underestimated, and the world may look vastly different in 50 years. Therefore, education may look vastly different to what it does today in many positive ways due to AI’s effects.

Real Examples Of AI

Artificial intelligence in nursing education and research is very new, but is promising. There are some tools that are AI-based currently in use. Persuall is one such AI too that the faculty has implemented for Medsurg 2 that seems promising. The website’s AI grades our text based responses to discussion about a research article. However, I find the interface less appealing than Canvas’s smooth layout. Moreover, the AI does not provide depth in the guidance of its grading. As a start though, it seems interesting. In the future, I believe AI will be used to create interactive patient scenarios, where a virtual patient responds in real time to our interventions. In research, advanced doctoral level scientists use AI to speed up their data analysis, which is amazing. For example, AI can analyze genes in a far faster way than humans can do. Or, nursing researchers can analyze gigabytes of a hospital’s patient data in minutes instead of days. This is happening now, and is opening new doors in research. For example, a 2024 review from Dixit et al., highlighted that AI-backed tools like “DeepCRISPR, CRISTA, and DeepHF have the capability to predict optimal guide RNAs (gRNAs) for a specified target sequence”(Dixit et al., 2024). Tools like these make highly advanced research in genetics and medicine in general accessible and are a gift to society. Tools like this, and AI’s role in nursing education and research at large, will only grow.

Discussion 2: Additionally,AI hasthe power to transform a student’swriting abilities.

According to Yasin and AlHamad, (2023), they emphasized that harnessing the power of
advance language AI software is practical when using it to enhance a student’s own writing
capabilities, as it can be used to offer suggestions, correct grammar, and punctuation errors.
Challenges of AI in Nursing Education. Although AI has brought about many positive
changes to the educational and research field, it continues to pose many challenges. urthermore, AI also poses a threat to higher education institutions as it facilitatesplagiarism.AI algorithms like ChatGPT,have the “ability to rapidly generate text …[which] facilitate studentplagiarism,underminingacademicintegrity” (Glauberman, et al.,2023).Using AI algorithms such asChatGPTunderminesacademic integrityby having students forgo the learning process,and thus,lose their ability tothink critically. Thoughts on the use of AI inAcademia.The use of AI technology software has alteredthe way humansengage in life.More specifically,AI technologiesareusefultools that can help studentsengage in the learning process.

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