2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Hi, thanks in advance! This assignment comes with 2 parts. The first is a answer

April 5, 2024

Hi, thanks in advance!
This assignment comes with 2 parts. The first is a answer to discussion questions in a main post (300 words), and 2nd is a response to 2 peers’ postings (75 words each ).
Main post:
With the emergence of new technologies such as smartphones, tablet computers, video conferencing, and employment apps, there have been tremendous increase in the ways employers connect with potential candidates.
Discuss 1 or 2 of the most important current technologies that support human resources (HR) services, including recruiting, selection, and retention. 
Explain how these technologies improve HR services across the globe.
1st peer post:
If you want your business to be successful and to grow continuously then you would want to adopt and maintain an effective HR management team. Human resource managers have a tough job because they have some functions that requires daily activities. Most businesses are turning to Technology to do a lot of fast and efficient work for them. Technology streamlines a lot of human processes that can free up the physical being for the employer, thus using them for other function in HR. HR professionals will always look for way to advance their business and find ways to save money and time. As with any organization, we all know that it is most important that the HR managers go in the way of saving the company money when it comes to new hires, recruiting and retaining. Today’s society is a growing and advancing culture when it comes to Artificial Intelligence (AI). Since there are so many applications of AI, you would want to use and adopt one that’s suited for your type of business and one that has multifunction’s. 
In doing so most human resource managers would most likely use the HRMIS system which means Resource Management Information System. It is a software system solution that gather various HR functions such as, new hires, management, training, payroll, employee records and more., all in one single application or system.
AI (Artificial Intelligence) has made it an easier and more effective process when it concerns HR. This application includes, but not limited.
a. Online job boards.
b. Screening applications.
c. Tracking application.
d. Streamlining applicants.
Human Resource Management many important responsibilities. These responsibilities include payroll, employee performance, recruiting, retaining, hiring, firing and most importantly trying to keep up with ever changing laws that could have an adverse impact on their company and employees.
With technology in place, it frees up time that could prove to be more valuable for the company.
2nd peer post:
Today HR uses technologies for candidates and hiring process like, big data, mobile apps, social media, cloud technology, and the SaaS business model. Many of these technologies is great for hiring, onboarding, time management, hiring, and managing HR Date and tracking. I think it is so much easier looking for employment now a days via email or LinkedIn or Indeed, or Monster.com; versus door to door and handwriting applications and typing and printing or faxing resumes.
Business leaders will deploy more emerging as well as historically underutilized HR technologies in 2023 to enhance the employee experience, according to shrm.org.
The companies represent a cross-section of industries operating in key geographic regions around the world and range in size from 5,000 employees to more than 50,000 employees.
I work remote for a cleaning company to set cleaning bids for Doctors, Dentist, and Lawyers office buildings. One of my co-workers said she had AI answering the phone and she almost fell for it until after the 5th question it gave her the wrong answer then she realized it was an AI. Technology has come a long way. I don’t blame the providers on using this, I would do if it would save me money and time. On the other hand, it may take jobs away.

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