Hi! Thanks in advance
This assignment has 2 parts, for the first is a response to discussion questions in a main post (300 words), 2nd part is a response to at least 2 peers’ postings ( 75 words).
Main Post:
Health care providers can share information on Web sites and other public platforms. Many hospitals and provider networks have robust Web sites that contain general information about a variety of health care topics—from flu shots to generic postoperative care. None of the information identifies specific patients. Rather it is specific to health care or the organization hosting the Web site. – Karen Judson and Carlene Harrison (2020)
For this assignment, do the following:
Based on what you have learned so far, discuss the types of health information that you would share with a member of an interdisciplinary team of which you are part and a non-member.
1st peer post:
When working with a team, I’ll give health info that relates to everyone’s job. This could include medical history, current medications, treatment plans, and any relevant updates or changes in the patient’s condition.
Everyone needs this information so we can help them in the best way possible, to ensure that the patient is receiving the best care, and support from the staff.
If I’m telling someone who isn’t part of the healthcare team about a patient’s health, I would be more selective in what details I disclose. I would focus on providing general information about the patient’s condition and treatment plan without delving into specifics that are not necessary for their involvement. It’s really important to keep things private for the patient but still tell others what they need to know so everyone can work together on their care plan.
Sharing accessible health information on public platforms empowers individuals to prioritize their health and promotes education, collaboration, and empowerment in the healthcare community.
Judson, K., & Harrison, C. (2020). Health Care Providers Can Share Information On Web Sites And Other Public Platforms. Journal of Health Information Management, 41(2), 87-92.
2nd peer post:
I will use my daughter Eczema journey with individuals who are struggling with this skin condition. I’ve learned so much and it has been a journey. Even though she’s sixteen now, she still have flare ups during certain seasons. Eczema was new to me as a mom. I remember it very little from others growing up. I looked up ways to get rid of it and it didn’t help. I went to several dermatologist and the medicine didn’t work. She was 4 months old scratching miserably and all I could do is cry. After 2 months of trying to find a doctor to help, I went to a children’s hospital. The doctor was able to do a scab sample and took blood. She explain to me that she has Eczema and explain the causes and how to treat it.
My daughter was prescribed an ointment and it worked immediately. She explained what detergent and soap to use. It was a difference. When dealing with Eczema, I was only told to use a specific cream from other doctors which didn’t work. They didn’t explain the real cause and prevention methods. It’s not all the way preventable but it can be maintained. They have to moisturized at all times. I educated lots of people on what to change and the name of the medicine my daughters doctor prescribed. I also informed them that it’s up to their doctor if they want to prescribe it because it is a steroid. I washed everything with the detergent I was told to use. I used the same body soap and body cream. I made sure I cleaned her properly to avoid a heavy use of the medicine.
If I was apart of an interdisciplinary team, I would definitely share this information so individuals will learn another of treating this skin condition. I would use my daughter as an example. People can be stubborn because they want to smell good. Everything cannot go directly on the skin if you want to avoid a flare up. My daughter know the importance of staying away from certain food that inflames her skin. I was able to help her get through this and prepare her long time of treatment.
Hi! Thanks in advance This assignment has 2 parts, for the first is a response
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