2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Here below are the instructions. Please ensure to follow the instructions adhere

June 25, 2024

Here below are the instructions. Please ensure to follow the instructions adheresively.  
ADDENDUM 2: Session 5 Paper Assignment Directions
Use this Guideline in conjunction with The McGraw-Hill Theatergoer’s Guide found linked on
Blackboard Session folder.
Note: Please NO RESEARCH on the show before writing this personal response paper.
You should only respond to what you see, hear, and feel at this one night event as a live
AUDIENCE member. Save your program (playbill) so you can use the real names and
roles of the cast and crew.
• Your paper must be typed and double-spaced in WORD doc format, 12 point font.
Paper length should be 2-4 pages – no more, no less. Note: Titles of plays are
CAPITALIZED and are either UNDERLINED or ITALICIZED. When referencing
production personnel, the first reference should give their full name, but thereafter
only the last name should be used.
• This is a Theatre RESPONSE paper – NOT a Theatre Review – You are not a
critic, thus, do not treat this as a critique, but follow the response guidelines set
below. Again, there is absolutely no research outside of the textbook allowed in your
response paper. If something in the play confuses you, just say so – and tell me why.
• A good theater response depends on:
a. Content
b. Structure
c. Usage/Vocabulary:
a. Content: Do NOT summarize the story/plot of the show– I want to know how it felt to
be sitting there in the audience – I want the story of your experience- not the story of the
play! The paper should be a combination of subjective responses- how you “felt” about
the event- and the objective analysis and support for those opinions- details. Just saying
that you liked or disliked a production is not enough! Always ask “WHY?” Be specific
with your reasons. Some Examples:
”I couldn’t understand the first 2 scenes because the actor didn’t project his voice”, or “I
disliked the costumes because they seemed to be falling off the actors and seemed of the
wrong time period” or “I felt calm because the scrim was painted blue and tranquil and
the classical music soothed me”, etc.
My advice is to focus on a few elements to write about; for example: Acting, scenery, &
text or whatever strikes you the most. Pages 17-25 in Theatergoer Guide expands on
questions to ask, notes to take and things to look for in the possible elements.
Continued —
b. Structure: The paper should be a Formal Essay-style paper, with new paragraphs for
new ideas and an organized layout. Your paper should follow all rules of good grammar
and reporting; it should have a beginning, middle and an end.
c. Usage & Vocabulary: Your paper must be in a first-person narrative – Use “I felt” “I
saw” “I experienced” etc.– this is a personal response, so you must write from your
personal perspective! Don’t generalize with “the audience thought” because you can’t
speak for them – only for yourself.
Vocabulary: You must use the new theatrical vocabulary and terms that you’ve
learned in the textbook to describe what you see and clarify your ideas. For example, “the
acting style seemed realistic”, or “the ensemble-playing was fabulous- everyone
working together” “The use of sound reinforcement…” “The costume designer
built…” Show off the new terms you are learning!
Names and Titles: Use your program to identify actors, directors, designers’ names and
titles as well as character names.
Advice: Ask questions to yourself during and after the show. I suggest writing an outline of
things you want to look for before the show- take it with you and during intermission, jot things
down while it’s fresh! Also, KEEP your program (or watch and pause/write down the credits if
streaming)– you will need it when you need to refer to actors’ names, designers’ names or
character names, or musical numbers.
Grading on Paper:
o 60 points: content/vocab – Thoroughness and use of specifics and details to back up
subjective responses & use of proper terms for theatrical elements discussed.
o 20 points: for “readability/usage” –Clear personal perspective.
o 20 points: structure/writing style: structure of paper, beginning, middle and end and

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