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Hello I need to post 6 comments to my peers. Responses to peers or faculty shoul

May 1, 2024


I need to post 6 comments to my peers. Responses to peers or faculty should be 150 min words and include one reference.

Comment 1:

Over the decades, the primary focus in the health care system was to treat diseases and illnesses that patients presented with. Now, the aim of the health care field is to educate the population on preventative measures that can be taken to prevent the development of health issues. As nurses, one of our responsibilities is discharging patients from our care. While performing this task, we are responsible for educating patients are specific instructions for patients to perform at home to prevent the patient’s condition from worsening. For example, we educate on signs and symptoms of infection and what to look for when a patient is sent home after having a laceration repaired. In certain instances, we educate our patient’s on preventative measures for conditions that already exist or have the potential to. Nurses are trusted by patients and are able to influence them in a positive way to prevent conditions and promote health and wellness (Whitney, 2022).

Healthcare will continue the trend of this transition by providing more education on prevention and wellness and enable nurses to practice to their full extent (Wakefield et al., 2021). Nurses play an important role in this change due to their primary role of being a health care provider. In hospitals and most home care settings, nurses are the ones that have the most contact with patient’s. It is not surprising as to why the public is able to develop relationships with nurses and trust them. Nurses can support this shift by being the middle man and educating their patients on prevention and wellness. Patient safety and health outcomes is a major focus in the nursing field. If nurses are educated properly in wellness and prevention methods, they can further pass that information along to their patients.

Comment 2

Healthcare reform has played a crucial role in shifting the focus of the healthcare system from one centered around treating diseases to one that emphasizes wellness and prevention. One significant aspect of healthcare reform is the emphasis on value-based care and population health management. This approach incentivizes healthcare providers to prioritize preventive measures and wellness initiatives aimed at improving overall health outcomes and reducing healthcare costs in the long term. Additionally, healthcare reform has led to the integration of preventive services, such as screenings, vaccinations, and health education, into routine healthcare delivery, making them more accessible to patients. Furthermore, healthcare reform has promoted the adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) and data analytics, allowing healthcare providers to identify high-risk populations and implement targeted interventions to prevent chronic diseases and promote healthier lifestyles (Jayasinghe et al., 2023).

Moving forward, healthcare will continue to trend towards wellness and prevention through various strategies, including expanding access to primary care services, fostering community partnerships, and implementing innovative technologies for remote monitoring and patient engagement. These efforts will prioritize proactive approaches to healthcare delivery, such as health coaching, lifestyle counseling, and chronic disease management programs, aimed at empowering individuals to take control of their health and prevent the onset of diseases. Nurses play a vital role in supporting and facilitating this shift towards wellness and prevention. As frontline healthcare providers, nurses are uniquely positioned to deliver preventive care services, educate patients about healthy behaviors, and promote disease prevention strategies (Marchand et al., 2020). Additionally, nurses can advocate for policy changes that support preventive care initiatives and collaborate with interdisciplinary teams to develop comprehensive wellness programs tailored to the needs of diverse populations.

Comment 3

Healthcare reform has spurred a significant shift in the healthcare paradigm, transitioning from a predominantly disease-oriented model to one that prioritizes wellness and prevention. This evolution is evident in various policy initiatives aimed at promoting preventive care, such as the Affordable Care Act’s emphasis on preventive services without cost-sharing and the integration of wellness programs into healthcare settings. Additionally, the shift towards value-based care models incentivizes healthcare providers to focus on keeping patients healthy rather than merely treating illness, fostering a proactive approach to healthcare delivery (Steinmann et al., 2020). Furthermore, advancements in technology, such as electronic health records and telehealth, facilitate greater access to preventive services and empower individuals to take a more active role in managing their health.

Nursing plays a crucial role in supporting and facilitating this shift towards wellness and prevention within the healthcare system. Nurses are uniquely positioned to provide holistic care, emphasizing health promotion, disease prevention, and patient education (Gordon, 2022). They serve as advocates for patients, empowering them to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Nurses also play a key role in implementing preventive care initiatives, conducting screenings, immunizations, and health assessments, as well as promoting healthy behaviors and adherence to treatment plans. Additionally, nurses contribute to interdisciplinary care teams, collaborating with other healthcare professionals to develop comprehensive care plans that prioritize prevention and wellness. Through their expertise, compassion, and dedication, nurses are instrumental in driving forward the transformation of healthcare towards a more proactive and preventive-focused system.

Comment 4

Health care reform has significantly made a difference when helping shift the focus from disease-oriented health care system to more of wellness and prevention system. One way that has improved the shift is by recognizing health and wellness coaching for patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D), “Health and wellness coaching (HWC) is emerging as an effective intervention in the prevention and treatment of both obesity and T2D” (Sforzo et al, 2023). Obesity and T2D is modifiable with lifestyle changes to help patients become healthier and to prevent chronic disease. “As the burden of chronic disease in the United States and worldwide grows, prevention must be prioritized and integrated into health care” (Williams et al, 2022). The health care reform focuses on having better management of the patient’s diabetes which requires educating the patients. This also includes the improvement in technology which helps monitor the patient’s progress and opening communications between the patient and provider. To help this shift succeed, the role of nursing is important in educating the patient on the importance of adhering to a proper diet and with teach back, the patient is educated on how to monitor blood sugar levels to stay on track on the plan of prevention. The nurse’s role is also to advocate for the patient and offer resources available for them to improve their physical activity and help with adhering to the positive care plan of wellness and prevention. Health care reform continues to help with wellness and prevention of other chronic diseases and nurses are a big part in making it a positive and productive shift.

Comment 5

Healthcare reform is a complex and ongoing process that aims to improve access to affordable and quality medical services for all individuals (Roth et al., 2022). It involves changes to healthcare policies, regulations, and practices in order to address issues such as rising costs, disparities in care, and inefficiencies in the system. It has helped shift the focus from disease-oriented healthcare system to one of wellness and prevention, promoting a more holistic approach to healthcare. By emphasizing preventive care and early intervention, healthcare reform seeks to reduce the burden of chronic diseases and improve overall population health (Roth et al., 2022).

This shift in focus has also led to an increased emphasis on patient-centered care, with a greater emphasis on communication and shared decision-making between patients and healthcare providers (Roth et al., 2022). Overall, healthcare reform aims to create a more efficient and effective system that prioritizes the well-being of individuals and communities. To continue this trend, it is essential for healthcare providers to continue to educate patients on the importance of preventive care and empower them to take an active role in managing their health (Tao et al., 2020).

Additionally, ongoing research and innovation in healthcare technology can help support these efforts by providing tools and resources to improve patient outcomes and overall population health (Tao et al., 2020). By utilizing electronic health records and telemedicine, healthcare providers can enhance communication and access to care for patients. These advancements in technology can also streamline processes and improve coordination of care among different healthcare professionals (Tao et al., 2020).

Commnet 6

Healthcare reform has catalyzed a fundamental shift in our approach to healthcare, transitioning from a disease-centric model to one that prioritizes wellness and prevention. Central to this transformation is the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which mandates coverage for preventive services without cost-sharing, making essential screenings and interventions more accessible to individuals (2023). By emphasizing prevention, the ACA aims to mitigate the burden of chronic diseases and promote overall health and well-being. Moving forward, healthcare will continue this trend by integrating preventive measures into various aspects of care delivery. This includes leveraging technology for population health management, implementing community-based interventions, and promoting healthy lifestyle behaviors among patients (Del Fiol, 2023). Additionally, value-based care models incentivize healthcare providers to focus on preventive interventions that improve patient outcomes and reduce long-term costs (CMS.gov). Nursing plays a pivotal role in supporting and facilitating this shift towards prevention and wellness. Nurses are uniquely positioned at the frontline of patient care, where they can assess risk factors, educate patients on preventive measures, and promote healthy behaviors. Nurses serve as advocates for preventive screenings and interventions, collaborating with interdisciplinary teams to develop personalized care plans that prioritize prevention. Furthermore, nurses contribute to community health initiatives, engage in health promotion campaigns, and advocate for policies that address social determinants of health. In essence, nurses are instrumental in championing a culture of prevention within healthcare settings and beyond, working to empower individuals to take control of their health and well-being.

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