2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


***hello writer, please respond to this classmate about their discussion post. T

***hello writer, please respond to this classmate about their discussion post. They did their discussion on the questions asked below.***
From chapters 1 and 2 (hello writer, these chapters from the textbook are attached). Please create a new thread and respond to each of the following questions in a single post answering each question individually.
What are the development stages a firm typically goes through as it grows internationally and how does each stage affects the HR function?
Describe and define international HRM; PCN; HCN; and TCN.
What are the specific challenges of a networked firm?
List each heading to you know when the criteria is met in APA Format with 2 references.
Global and international courses must use current resources – 2009 to current – as the global community is ever evolving.
Articles from 2009 – present only. Use your online library.  No Wikipedia, BLOGS with Ads from Yahoo, UK Essay Buzzle.com, or sites that challenge as they present a biased opinion. Google Scholar is accepted. Works in APA Format with a minimum of 2 references.
Here is the classmates discussion:
Hello Professor and class, 
When a firm expands its operations internationally, it typically progresses through several development stages, each impacting the human resource management function in distinct ways. Understanding these stages and their implications on HR helps in crafting effective international HR strategies.
Development Stages of International Firms and Impact on HR
Export Stage: Initially, companies start by exporting their products without significant investment in the foreign countries. The HR function at this stage involves basic support for international trade compliance and perhaps managing a small export sales team.
Foreign Sales Subsidiary: As the market grows, firms may establish a sales subsidiary in the foreign market. This requires HR to recruit local sales and marketing teams and manage more complex employee relations issues in a different legal and cultural environment.
Production Facilities Abroad: Establishing production facilities involves a significant expansion of HR functions, including large-scale staffing, development of local management, and extensive training and integration efforts. HR must address local labor laws, customs, and practices, making it a critical player in the success of these facilities.
Transnational Operations: At this stage, the firm operates with a geocentric outlook, sourcing the best talent globally without bias towards any particular nationality. HR in this stage must manage a diverse workforce, often comprising employees from multiple countries, and ensure effective communication and collaboration across cultural boundaries (Dowling et al., 2013).
Definitions and Descriptions in International HRM
International Human Resource Management (IHRM) involves managing the diverse needs of the workforce in multinational corporations, including recruitment, compensation, performance management, and employee development across different countries. IHRM must consider multiple external factors such as different employment laws, cultural norms, and economic conditions (Scullion & Collings, 2011).
PCN (Parent-Country National): Employees who are citizens of the country where the headquarters of the multinational company is located, but who work in one of its operations located in another country. For example, a U.S. citizen working for a U.S.-based company in Germany.
HCN (Host-Country National): Employees who are citizens of the country where the multinational company is operating. For example, a German citizen working for a U.S.-based company in Germany.
TCN (Third-Country National): Employees who are citizens of a country that is neither the parent country nor the host country of their employer. For example, a British citizen working for a U.S.-based company in Germany.
Challenges of a Networked Firm
A networked firm, often characterized by a flexible and adaptive organizational structure to facilitate rapid responses to global market dynamics, faces unique HR challenges:
Managing Cultural Diversity: Integrating and managing a diverse workforce with varying cultural, linguistic, and professional backgrounds. HR must foster an inclusive environment that respects cultural differences and leverages them for innovation (Reiche et al., 2016).
Communication Across Borders: Ensuring effective communication in a networked firm where teams are often spread across multiple locations is crucial. HR must implement robust communication tools and protocols.
Aligning Global Objectives with Local Practices: Balancing the global corporate strategy with local practices and regulations can be challenging. HR needs to ensure that local practices comply with global HR policies while also respecting local norms and laws (Farndale et al., 2010).
Talent Mobility: Managing the logistics and regulations of cross-border employee transfers, including issues related to immigration, tax, and employee willingness to relocate.
By understanding these complexities and implementing strategic HR practices tailored to each stage of international growth, companies can better manage their international operations.
Dowling, P. J., Festing, M., & Engle, A. D. (2013). International Human Resource Management. Cengage Learning.
Scullion, H., & Collings, D. G. (2011). Global Talent Management. Routledge.
Reiche, B. S., Harzing, A. W., & Kraimer, M. L. (2016). The role of international HRM in global networking organizations. In International HRM: A Cross-Cultural and Comparative Approach. Routledge.
Farndale, E., Scullion, H., & Sparrow, P. (2010). The role of the corporate HR function in global talent management. Journal of World Business, 45(2), 161-168.

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