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Hello, below you will see the full coursework brief. I will need you to do just

Hello, below you will see the full coursework brief. I will need you to do just the introduction and the market and asset backround. Information about our project: our topic is the buy to let market, and we have chosen a theoretical foriegn ultra high net worth individual investing in the UK, marylbone  making the assumption that there is no leverage because buyer doesnt want to borrow at these high of rates. Introduction
The introduction should contain an outline of the structure of your report, state the
objectives and briefly describe the methodology and report key findings being 600 words.
Market/Scheme Background
This part of the main body of the report is expected to be mainly descriptive – setting
the context – using general data on market trends or a literature review or a
combination of both (600 words. Group coursework: written report, deadline Thursday, 11 July 2024, 12:00 PM,
comprising of 3,000 – 3,500 words in main text.
Title: The Outlook for XXXX (substitute one topic from below for XXXX)
Choose from one of the following:
(a) the UK owner occupation market
(b) the First-Time Buyer market
(c) the UK Build to Rent market
(d) the UK Buy to Let market (small scale investors)
Please only choose one topic (e.g. (b)).
You may choose to examine the above topics at the national, regional, local
government, neighbourhood, or individual level.
You may conduct the analysis of your chosen topic at any of the above spatial levels,
for example examining homeownership in Richmond, London.
Or you could examine the feasibility of homeownership using information about a
representative individual in a particular location or a buy to let investment opportunity
in a particular location using a listed dwelling for sale (Rightmove) and representative
information about a buy-to-let investor.
Or you could look at opportunities to purchase from a developer a site (with planning
permission) for a Build to Rent investment.
Or anything else that falls within the remit.
This project requires the group to examine the outlook for a housing sub-market or
housing investment from one of the choices above.
You will need to review the state of the market/investment (trends) prior to the
pandemic, during the pandemic and after the pandemic and also provide a
view/forecast for the future.
My advice is to focus your analysis on addressing two or three factors/issues/trends
which you think are most important whilst acknowledging that there are also other
In your analysis, you should distinguish between cyclical effects and longer-term
structural change.
You may conclude that there will not be any significant change at all, or that the
changes are temporary rather than permanent (structural) or that the investment is
not viable.You are required to utilise the analytical frameworks introduced in this elective
(including those from the guest speakers) or methods taught on other modules on
your degree programme (except Law).
Tasks generally include gathering information on market conditions, conducting a
literature review/market background and/or Excel modelling (applying techniques
taught on the degree programme).
The output should be in a business report format (include an Executive Summary)
using the Harvard system of referencing. Everyone in the group is responsible for the
editing and presentation of the submitted report.
The coursework is subject to Peer review.
Brief Guide
Suggested Report Structure: You may make slight amendments.
Executive Summary (Mandatory)
The report should contain an Executive Summary (not exceeding 1,000 words). The
Execuitve Summary is not considered to be part of the main text.
The introduction should contain an outline of the structure of your report, state the
objectives and briefly describe the methodology and report key findings (not
exceeding 800 words).
Market/Scheme Background
This part of the main body of the report is expected to be mainly descriptive – setting
the context – using general data on market trends or a literature review or a
combination of both.
This part of the main body sets out the method(s) (approach(es)) adopted to
undertake the analysis. For this module only, this section should be the smallest
section – not exceeding 300 words.
You may use analytical frameworks from term1 and term 2 modules or from an
undergraduate degree programme. Note that they must be relevant for the topic
under investigation. Examples of analytical frameworks include interpreting data
using life-cycle demand and supply model or applying a discounted cash-flow model
in an investment appraisal of a building or dwelling (small-scale investor) and
portfolio analysis. The analysis can be quantitative or qualitative or a combination of
Evaluation /Analysis:
This part of the main body of the report should be analytical. It is expected that you
would clearly outline the channels (or transmission mechanisms) in your arguments,
for example, in projecting future trends or drawing out the implications of for an inhethere or separated in one contation sie your analysis should also be noted,
Conclusions and Recommendations
The report should contain Conclusions and Recommendations. They may be
separate sections. You should be drawing logical conclusions from your analysis.
Credit given (marks awarded) for compiling and presenting secondary data using
Excel or EViews graphs/tables rather than cutting and pasting figures from the
internet or other documents.
References should be included at the end of the report. The Harvard system of
referencing should be used. References are not considered to be part of the main
Excel files if used should be uploaded onto Moodle as part of the submission. If you
have not used Excel, then this instruction is redundant.

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