2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Health systems informatics strives to align the various components of a healthca

May 10, 2024

Health systems informatics strives to align the various components of a healthcare organization into a simple adaptive system. 
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Flag question: Question 2
Question 25 pts
If the company has adequately prepared and trained staff for the new systems, users can expect problem-free system operation from the start.
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Flag question: Question 3
Question 35 pts
It is reasonable to expect that the hardware, software, and network will likely need to be replaced within how many years as advance are made in technology, the organization’s goals and needs change, and the health care environment changes?
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5 – 7 years
3 – 10 years
10 – 15 years
12 – 20 years
Flag question: Question 4
Question 45 pts
The 2020 US federal budget included $215 million to launch the Precision Medicine Initiative, which aims to develop “patient-powered research” 
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Flag question: Question 5
Question 55 pts
Security auditing addresses the risk that a system administrator is unable to ascertain whether security safeguards are operating correctly. 
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Flag question: Question 6
Question 65 pts
Match the following: 
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Employing external firms
[ Choose ]             Common phenomenon in organizational life             outsourcing             Entrepreneur             Independent Contractors         
[ Choose ]             Common phenomenon in organizational life             outsourcing             Entrepreneur             Independent Contractors         
[ Choose ]             Common phenomenon in organizational life             outsourcing             Entrepreneur             Independent Contractors         
Strive for integrity
[ Choose ]             Common phenomenon in organizational life             outsourcing             Entrepreneur             Independent Contractors         
Flag question: Question 7
Question 75 pts
Decisions about the technical infrastructure do not have important consequences for the healthcare organization’s overall information system 
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Flag question: Question 8
Question 85 pts
Companies should employ all of the following types of training except:
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Training before and after go-live
Group training
One-on-one training
All of the above should be utilized
Flag question: Question 9
Question 95 pts
About ____ percent of organizational knowledge is housed exclusively in the minds of employees 
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Flag question: Question 10
Question 105 pts
During the implementation process, it is important to maintain current workflow so that staff is not overwhelmed with changes.
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Flag question: Question 11
Question 115 pts
The cost of insurance continues to drive much policy debate, sometimes overriding the attention given to efficiency, quality, continuity, patient-centered care, and beneficence. 
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Flag question: Question 12
Question 125 pts
Within the evidence-based practice paradigm, knowledge must be translated through a series of quests to increase its usefulness at the point of care. 
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Flag question: Question 13
Question 135 pts
In the STEEEP framework, effectiveness is defined as evidence-based decision making, suggesting, Patients should receive care based on the best available scientific knowledge. 
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Flag question: Question 14
Question 145 pts
The term “personalized medicine” is often described as providing “the right patient with the right drug at the right dose at the right time.”
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Flag question: Question 15
Question 155 pts
By nature, dynamic systems are transformational in that they call for new delivery models, professional roles, organizational structures, and system designs, but they are difficult to analyze
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Flag question: Question 16
Question 165 pts
Biomedical informatics provides knowledge about the effects of DNA disparities among individuals. 
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Flag question: Question 17
Question 175 pts
Carative factors  complements conventional  medicine but stands in stark comparison to “curative factors.”
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Flag question: Question 18
Question 185 pts
If users are ever to fully realize the system’s value, they must have access to technical support, preferably by—
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Providing local, in-house support
Contracting with a local computer firm
Partnering with a neighboring organization
Training an employee to assume the support role
Flag question: Question 19
Question 195 pts
Knowledge management is a relatively new management tool that organizations are trying to incorporate into their management systems
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Flag question: Question 20
Question 205 pts
Personalized medicine and precision medicine are synonymous. 
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