HCAD 670 Assignment 4: Life-long Learning PlanInstructionsPlease use the outline below to develop and present your plan in 5-7 pages. The limit is seven (7) pages (including any attachments).
Make sure to provide credible evidence supporting your plan and provide citations and references in APA 7 format.
MISSION Why are planning for life-long learning after just accomplishing a Master’s degree in Health Care Administration?
Develop your Mission. Read more about the mission at https://www.wix.com/partners/post/10-motivational-mission-statement-examples?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=bd_partners_dsa_t1^&experiment_id=^486283628158^^^b^^_DSA&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjaGh2u3a7QIVGYeGCh1gPAjwEAAYAiAAEgKud_D_BwEVISION
Develop a personal vision statement. Read more about a vision at https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/personal-vision-statementGOALS:(Limit to 4-6 major goals)In terms of your learning over the next 10 years, what specific things do you want to be doing that will help you stay current and on top of your field?
Develop SMART goals for yourself. Read more at https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/smart-goalsGUIDING
RESOURCES What is (or will be) the guiding management book(s) that provides the basis for your understanding/approaches/actions as a manager/administrator?
What is (or will be) the guiding health care book(s) that provides the basis for your understanding/approaches/actions in the health care arena?
Plan and specific steps to execute the plan in order to stay current with
developments and issues in both general management and health care administration.
The time horizon for this exercise is the next ten years (through 2031)
.STRATEGIES The specific things you will work on to help you achieve each goal.TACTICS The specific steps that you will take to achieve each strategy (relatively short- term actions)
MONITORING How will you know if you are succeeding and achieving expected outcomes? How will you spot impending failure or the need to adjust either strategies or tactics?
RISK FACTORS Identify the general environment (e.g., information technology), professional and personal factors that will help/hinder your success with the plan?
PLAN B Explain how you are going to manage the risk or overcome obstacles presented to you. Be reasonable and practical in the solutions.Resources:https://www1.health.gov.au/internet/publications/publishing.nsf/Content/drugtreat-pubs-front12-fa-toc~drugtreat-pubs-front12-fa-seca~drugtreat-pubs-front12-fa-seca-devhttps://centricconsulting.com/blog/6-steps-personal-learning-plan/
Requirements: Please use the outline below to develop and present your plan in 5-7 pages. The limit is seven (7) pages (including any attachments